Simon Marks, a 37-year-old man, made an unusual discovery after living in his home for a considerable period. Recently, he realized that there was something hidden on the property he had bought several years ago.

While trying to park his car, Marks found what seemed to be a flowerbed. Unfortunately, his car’s wheels got stuck, and he heard strange cracking sounds coming from the driveway.

In frustration, he thought to himself, “Could this day get any worse?”

Upon closer inspection, Marks noticed that the stones on the driveway had cracked, causing the surface to give way. As he cleared the dirt, he stumbled upon a metal fragment. Despite his attempts, he couldn’t pull it out, so he called his father for help.

Together, they managed to remove a significant amount of tightly packed dirt, revealing an opening. Both men descended a rusty ladder and discovered an air raid shelter, which Marks’ father recognized immediately. They later found out that there were many such shelters in the area, dating back to World War II.

Marks suspects that the previous owner must have been aware of the shelter’s existence and filled it in when building the house and creating a garden. During the war, these shelters were built to protect civilians from air raids and bombings.

Marks acknowledged that a wall had been sealed with bricks and believes that there are very slim chances of finding any additional chambers. However, he and his father plan to restore the shelter, considering it a significant historical landmark that offers valuable insights into the past. Their discovery was documented on camera and gained global attention.

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