very cent is a treasure to stingy individuals, and thriftiness is a way of life. While some individuals like spending their hard-earned money to live a luxury lifestyle, this is not the case for cheapskates. Even if they are extremely wealthy, these folks will always make every dollar matter.

You’ve most likely encountered a scrooge. These folks are prone to looking for the best discounts, reusing items, and so on. It’s more than simply spending money to them; they like getting the most bang for their buck with every purchase.

It’s reason for excitement when they acquire something for free, whether it’s a free cup of coffee, a sample-sized shampoo, or a promotional pen. If you’ve never met a stringy person, brace yourself because these children of cheapskate parents recounted some of the strange things that happened in their home. Here’s what they had to say about it.

Grammar and clarity have been improved in the comments.

#1. A Clever Trick My Dad Used to Get a Free Bar of Soap

u/[deleted]: When my father moved into his new home, he had a man come over to provide a free demonstration of a water filter that fits under a sink. The man used a bar of soap for his demonstration and then left it.

My father phoned at least four additional firms for a free demonstration merely to preserve the free bar of soap and had no intention of installing a water filter. He does stuff like this, and it gets worse as he gets older. But I just stood back and let him do his thing.

#2. My Father’s Addiction to Paper Towels

u/TheCommonStew: My father collects paper towels. He still expects me to get permission to use them (even though I’m 21) because he doesn’t want me to squander them. Because he was so anxious about my squandering them, I assumed it was $100 for a roll.

He is a slacker who spends twice as much money on everything since he just buys the cheapest item, which breaks or does not operate as well. I spilled a gallon of milk all over his house when my girlfriend and I were there. She grabbed a roll of paper towels and soaked up the spill with them.

I felt so bad for assisting her, but the expression on my dad’s face when he realized we used the entire roll was amazing. He wouldn’t shout at us since he wouldn’t yell in front of my girlfriend. However, he was plainly suppressing his grief, rage, and heartbreak at the “wasted” roll.

#3. My Father’s Unusual Method of Saving Every Coin

u/notronbro: Oh my God, fathers are the worst. Mine despises paying for power, so he hangs his clothes outside, which would be OK if he didn’t do it all year, even when the temperature is below zero.

Whenever my sisters and I cleaned our rooms, he would search through our garbage, hunting for “valuables” (money or recyclables) that we had thrown away. He’s fascinated with petrol costs, and I once stayed in the car with him for half an hour while he drove around town looking for the cheapest gas.

He physically puts his car in neutral, opens the door, and pushes himself down the slope with his foot when he wants to drive down a hill. When we went to Burger King, I was only permitted to get chicken fries since a burger was “too expensive.”

#4. Comply with the Return Policy Maestro

u/halfadash6: My dad took advantage of Costco’s ridiculous return policy. He returned an outdoor furniture set that had been in our possession for almost eight years. It was weathered and a few parts were fractured. They accepted it, and he used the money to purchase the majority of a new patio furniture from Costco. Unbelievable.

#5. Uncovering My Grandmother’s Frugal Achievements

When I was a youngster, I spent the summers at my grandparents’ house, and one of my jobs was to set the table before supper every night. When we invited guests around for supper, I was told to use “the good napkins.”

This included napkins with no restaurant branding printed on them. We only went to restaurants when my grandmother believed she could make a profit, and there were various ways to do so.

Of course, she clipped vouchers, but that was for kids. When she did anything kind for someone, she’d have them take her out to supper to “return the favor.” She had a huge purse that was often loaded with towels and food from the buffet.

She didn’t see the sense in visiting any restaurant that didn’t offer a salad bar. When my mother and I volunteered to take her out to supper for her birthday one year, we had to drive almost an hour to find a Sizzler she wasn’t barred from.

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