A man heard his wife screaming inside their locked bedroom door. He begged her to open the door and explain what occurred. When she explained what made her weep, he stormed into the kitchen and yelled at his 16-year-old nieces.

When a guy heard his wife weeping, he asked her to tell him what was wrong. His wife has been enduring chemotherapy since the doctors diagnosed her with cancer. The negative effects of the medication caused her to lose her lovely hair.

She was nervous about her bald head in front of others, so she donned a wig to make herself feel better. One day, she awoke and couldn’t find her wig.

The man elected to remain anonymous when recounting the experience on the “AITA” thread on Reddit. He wanted to know if other users thought he was to blame in this case.

His wife was battling cancer and had lost her hair due to treatment. She, like most women, felt self-conscious about her bald head in public.

Because she knew her hair would not come back anytime soon, she chose to get a wig that resembled her real hair. Her spouse agreed with the concept and urged her to wear it.

On the other hand, the man’s sister was experiencing a terrible period in her life. She had nowhere to reside after her divorce. She asked her brother if she could reside at his house with her twin kids.

“What has happened?” “Why are you crying?” He asked while holding her by her arms.

The guy had no reason to resist, so he let his sister and nieces move in with him. He had no clue what would unfold in the days ahead.

Following their move-in, the man’s nieces were fascinated by his wife’s wig. They wanted to touch and wear it, and they wanted to know why she was wearing it. The girls additionally asked the woman if they could sort everything out and see what occurred. Because she didn’t feel confident without her wig, the woman refused to remove it in front of them.

A few days later, the guy returned home from work and heard his wife weeping in their bedroom. He twisted the iron handle and pushed the door, but it did not open.

After shouting his wife’s name many times, she got out of bed and opened the door. “What happened?” “Why are you crying?” he said, grasping her by her arms.

“They took away my wig!” said the woman, pointing to the door.

After further investigation, he found that his nieces had stolen his wife’s wig and refused to return it until she exited her room without it. When she begged them to return it, they refused and instead took a video of her.

As soon as she noticed their phones, she dashed to her bedroom and shut herself in. They continued hammering on the door, but she did not open it.

The man was enraged after hearing this account. He exited the bedroom and stormed into the kitchen to face the girls. The females were bewildered at first, but subsequently handed him the wig. He chastised them, stating they had humiliated his wife by concealing the wig from her.

The girls said it was a prank and the woman didn’t need to be embarrassed, but the man’s sister interfered, saying his wife was overreacting. However, the father said that the girls were at fault since they recorded his wife, who was already uneasy without a wig. His sister refused to listen, accusing him of overreacting.

The father lost his calm since neither the girls nor their mother appeared eager to admit they had done something wrong. He yelled at his sister and demanded her to leave his house immediately.

“I eventually let them know about the move-out since they thought I wasn’t serious, and they started crying, begging that I let it go,” he said.

His sister contacted their father and requested him to put in a good word for her, but the guy refused to let her remain at his home. He knew his wife was uncomfortable with his nieces and decided that the best answer was to kick them out.

They persisted in appealing even after he denied them permission to remain. To find out if he was to blame for throwing them out, he recounted the story to other Reddit members.

“NTA. Aunty Fascist said, “They’re sixteen years old, old enough to know better and understand that actions have consequences.” She also said the girls should be banished from the house since they were at responsible for insulting the wife, who wasn’t feeling well.

Gypsy_teacher, a Redditor, stated that if she had informed her 6-year-old son that she didn’t feel comfortable without a wig, he would have understood.

“I would lock up the car keys, flush my son’s phone down the can, and ground him until he’s 25 if he did that when he was 16,” the mother said.

Megalush, a Redditor, stated that her 7-year-old kid would never harm someone in that way. She believed her three-year-old child was superior than those sixteen-year-old girls.

“What would happen to them if someone shaved THEIR heads, laughed, and recorded it?” Laulau88foo questioned, saying the man was nice to let the girls remain at his residence even if they were impolite.

Redditors mostly believed the man was not to blame. Rather, they believed that by requesting their departure, he was acting appropriately since what they had done was wrong.


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