Nowadays, social media is widely used by many people as their primary means of communication. This includes sharing photos of their children so that their friends and family can keep up with their growth.

However, for one young mother, her experience with social media is vastly different. The comments she receives on her pictures and the way her child is treated are not what she expected. Despite this, she has a message to share.

Natasha is a young mother who is learning the ropes of motherhood while raising her one-year-old son, Raedyn. She loves to share pictures and videos of her son on social media platforms, especially TikTok. However, Natasha’s posts have attracted a lot of negativity and bullying from online users who comment on her son’s appearance.

Despite the negativity, Natasha remains undeterred and is determined to keep sharing pictures and videos of her son online. In her words, Raedyn is perfect and she will not stop posting about him just because he looks different. She wants to spread the message that it’s okay for children to look different, and that they are just as worthy of love and respect as any other child.

“I will not stop… just because he looks different doesn’t mean that he is any less – he is perfect,” Natasha says.

Natasha is a proud mother of her son, Raedyn. However, she receives a lot of messages and comments from people asking about her child’s appearance. Raedyn was born with Pfeiffer syndrome, a condition that affects the skull, face, and limbs. Despite this, Natasha thinks her son is perfect and loves to share videos of him with the world.

Unfortunately, not everyone is kind. Natasha has received rude comments asking about Raedyn’s quality of life and why she would allow him to live a miserable life. These comments hurt Natasha deeply, but she remains proud of her son and will not let these negative comments affect her love for him.

Natasha faces criticism from not just internet trolls, but also from people she encounters in real life. These people approach her and ask rude questions about her son, such as “what’s wrong with your child?” or “why does your child look like that?” This type of behavior is not acceptable as it is hurtful and disrespectful.

Being in public can be difficult for Natasha as she is constantly bombarded with these types of questions. It becomes exhausting for her to have to explain her son’s health problems over and over again. She finds it hard to understand why people are so interested in her son just because of his appearance.

Natasha’s son is just like any other child. He lives a life filled with happiness and joy, just like any other child. The fact that he may look different does not make him any less of a person. Natasha hopes that one day people will understand this and stop making hurtful comments.

“He lives a life like every other child… does he look different? Absolutely – but that doesn’t make him any less,” She says. “He deserves life, he deserves acceptance – I will fight until my dying day for that.”

The young mother is often disturbed by the attention she receives from people who are curious about her son. She feels that people do not understand that she is just a regular mom and that her son is just a baby. She wants people to know that their lives do not revolve around his diagnosis.

The mother is exhausted from having to explain her son’s health problems to others repeatedly. It can be mentally and emotionally draining to go over the same information again and again. She wants people to understand that they are just a normal family and that her son’s appearance and limitations do not define who he is.

She hopes that one day the world will accept disabled people without judgment, based on their abilities and who they are as individuals, rather than just their appearance. This would bring much-needed peace and acceptance to families like hers who deal with the challenges of disability every day.

It is disappointing to witness that despite living in modern times, people still have a tendency to judge others who are not similar to them in any aspect. This type of behavior can be hurtful and lead to a lack of understanding and respect towards others.

We should strive towards creating a world where everyone is treated with kindness and acceptance, regardless of their differences. People come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and beliefs, and it is essential that we embrace this diversity and see it as a strength. By embracing differences, we can learn from each other, grow, and build a more inclusive and harmonious world.

Therefore, let us all make a conscious effort to break down these barriers of prejudice and embrace each other with open hearts and minds. Let us be more understanding and accepting of others, and in doing so, we can create a better world for all.

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