The world is not without good people! A heartwarming story: kind-hearted renovators transformed a single mother’s apartment for free, helping her reunite with her child.

A woman with two children lived in such appalling conditions that there can be no claims against the guardianship service, which took one of the daughters from the mother. But it was impossible to return the child, since there was no money to “improve conditions.” Then two guys were found who made decent repairs for free so that the family could reunite.

In the city of Lytkarino, Moscow region, two guys repaired the apartment of a single mother for free, whose child was taken away by the guardianship authorities due to poor living conditions.

The woman’s name is Nadezhda. She has two daughters. She had to leave her alcoholic husband, who did not work and was giving up. Nadezhda did not have enough money to make repairs in the apartment and at least somehow adapt the housing for normal living for the children. Having learned about Nadezhda’s problems, the guardianship authorities showed up and took her 14-year-old daughter to a rehabilitation center.

And caring city residents, in turn, decided to help. Vyacheslav and Anatoly learned about the woman’s story on the Internet. They came to Nadezhda and made repairs in a few weeks. Other local residents helped with materials and money.

The guardianship service has already agreed to return the child to the family

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