Kids Playing Social

One mom’s invoice of sorts sent through Venmo is making quite the stir on social media. Brianna Weimar of Monroe, Washington, charged the parents of her son’s friend for coming over for a playdate. She took to TikTok to share her experience.

Her post has gotten a mixed bag of reactions. Some applauded her for charging because of the current high rates of inflation. But the majority thought this was a tacky move. Brianna even charged for electricity.

The mom who received Brianna’s Venmo request was shocked and did not take it well. Brianna asked the mom for $36. “Thanks for the hospitality but this is like a price-gouging scheme to make money,” the other mom stated via text.

Brianna sees nothing wrong with her actions. “While her son was over, I just kept on my notes a running tab of everything that her son used during the playdate,” she explained in her TikTok. “I made sure to put all the food her son ate. I counted the number of pumps that they used of soap when he washed his hands. They played video games for 45 minutes, so I calculated how much that electricity cost was, and then divided it by two, so for my son and her son. And then he did spill his juice on the carpet so I charged a clean-up fee.”

The majority of TikTok users were on the other mom’s side.

“Playdates foster friendships,” one user explained in the comments. “Friendships aren’t transactional. This was uncalled for.”

“Perfect way to end all friendships for your son,” another user pointed out.

There were some commenters who thought charging for playdates was completely valid.

“Go mama!” wrote one user. “I believe that you should have charged more, but you do you.”

Another simply gave their seal of approval. “1,000 per cent yes,” they commented.

To hear Brianna’s argument for yourself, watch this video. Even though it’s satirical, it generated some interesting conversations.

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