Watching Britain’s Got Talent auditions may occasionally be quite tough for a variety of terrifying and embarrassing reasons. This one is nerve-racking, but it’s also intriguing due to the man’s ability.

Sword-swallowing was, of all things, Alex Magala’s audition talent. If you’ve ever studied it, you are aware that the key is to maintain a straight line while opening your throat, and Alex achieved just that.

However, he then begins to perform stunts like pole dancing and bending over, which all appear to go against the trick’s “keep it in a straight line” requirement. How on earth is he not being hurt? Everyone is asking themselves.

“Is it going to be dangerous?” is Simon’s first query to Alex before he begins. “Yes,” he responds, adding that he is essentially jeopardizing his life on stage. The amusing nightmare starts. The entire moment as he climbs the pole is too detailed to put into words. I’m hoping you have fun with it.

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