Zucchini meatballs are a perfect alternative for a light dinner or a tasty appetizer. Follow the steps below to enjoy this tasty recipe.

Ingredients needed:

2 large eggs (size L) – the basis for binding the composition.
Salt and pepper – for seasoning.
Oil – for frying.
7 medium-sized pumpkins – the main ingredient.
300 grams of breadcrumbs – to give the meatballs a crunchy texture.
6 crushed garlic cloves – for flavor.
Preparation Process:


Preparing the pumpkins:

Start by washing the squash well. Peel them and put them on a large grater. This process is essential to ensure that the squash will cook evenly.

Preparation of the mixture:

In a large bowl, add the breadcrumbs. Squeeze the grated zucchini to remove excess water, then add to the bowl over the breadcrumbs. This step is important to ensure that the meatballs will not be too watery and will hold up well when fried.

Adding flavors:

To the mixture in the bowl, add the crushed garlic, a generous pinch of salt and pepper, according to your taste. Also include the two eggs, which will help bind the composition. Mix all the ingredients well until you get a homogeneous and consistent mass.

Frying the meatballs:

Heat the oil in a pan over medium heat. Meanwhile, form the meatballs from the prepared mixture by shaping them with your hands. Place the meatballs in the hot oil and let them fry until golden and crispy. It is important to turn them on all sides to fry evenly.

Remove the meatballs from the pan:

Once the meatballs are well fried, carefully remove them and place them on an absorbent paper towel. This step will help remove excess oil.

Serve these delicious warm zucchini meatballs with your favorite dips or as part of a larger meal. They are excellent as an appetizer or as a light main course. This simple yet flavorful recipe is sure to please all tastes and is a great way to include more vegetables in your diet. Bon appetit and enjoy making this recipe!

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