Recently, Paris Hilton spoke in the US Congress on the important topic of child abuse in government institutions such as boarding houses, hospitals and orphanages. The socialite, once known only for her scandalously capricious behavior, surprised the public with serious intentions to defend the rights of children and fight for their safety. There, Paris shared her own experience: at the age of 16, the celebrity experienced sexual and psychological violence. This made a strong impression on those present. However, Hilton’s performance was memorable not only for this.

A video has gone viral on the Internet in which the celebrity speaks in his real voice. We all know that Paris’ sweet voice is part of her voice, but not everyone has heard what it actually sounds like.

While discussing a burning topic, Paris abruptly switched from her usual voice to her normal one. The difference turned out to be colossal!

“I think she was intentionally showing how she could switch from being a ditzy character to being her real self rather than being the dumb blonde she played before. She is a smart woman”, “She is not stupid, she played the role that television and the public demanded of her, and earned a lot of money in the process!”, “It’s incredible, it’s like she changed into a different personality! Even her body language and face changed. I’m fascinated!”, “She started out in a baby voice and then switched to her normal voice, which sounds much better!” – write Daily Mail readers. Some of them note that Paris’ childish voice, which she uses more often to speak to fans, is proof that she has become a victim of the image. A real voice evokes much more respect for the star and makes you listen to it.

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