Following his wife’s death in an automobile accident, Michael, a single father, was left to raise his 8-year-old daughter. He believed that he was doing well and that his daughter was with the loss of her mother. However, she told him one day that she saw her mother every day at school.

Every day, Michael lamented the passing of his spouse, Simone. She had passed away in an automobile accident only a few months prior, but because she had fallen into a river, her corpse was never discovered.

Michael was left alone with Hannah, his 8-year-old daughter. Michael relocated to a new city to get away from the upsetting memories that surrounded their former town, determined to be strong for her. Hannah’s mother had already passed away, and he knew it.

Hannah appeared content as she gradually grew used to her new school. In contrast, Michael had to acquire the skills necessary to be a mother and a father.

He got up early every morning to prepare breakfast and pack lunch for Hannah, taught himself how to arrange her hair, and even picked up some ballet techniques to perform with her at home.

Simone had taken Hannah to ballet because she thought Hannah would be a fantastic ballerina in the future. That dream endured because of Michael, and it preserved a piece of Simone within her.

Michael chose to bring up Hannah from school today since he had completed work early, which was unusual because Hannah always rode the bus. Excitement boiled up inside of him as he waited in the vehicle outside the school.

Hannah quickly left the school by running. When Michael slammed the horn to gain her attention, she joyfully waved and ran in the direction of the automobile. With her backpack slung onto the back seat, she leaped in.

“Hey, Dad!” Hannah grinned broadly and remarked as she climbed into the vehicle.

Hello, my love. How did you find today’s classes? Michael enquired as he got into his car.

It was enjoyable. I got all these compliments on my math. Hannah happily answered, “All the work we did yesterday really helped.”

Hannah’s grin dimmed. She sobbed, “But Mom still ignores me.”

A beat skipped by Michael’s heart. He applied more force than intended to the brakes. Hannah, what do you mean? With concern in his voice, he said, “Do you talk to her?”

Hannah answered, “Yes, every day.” “Yet she acts as though she doesn’t know me.”

With a sigh, and a heavy burden on his chest, Michael got back behind the wheel. Hannah, your mother has moved on to a better place. It is rather far, and

Hannah had a perplexed expression. “What are you trying to say? She’s not too far away. She is enrolled in classes. Every day I saw her,” she adamantly stated.

Michael gave her a perplexed expression. How come? What you’re talking about is beyond me.

Hannah let out a frustrated grunt. What’s not to comprehend, Dad? When I get to our school in the morning, Mom cleans it. She claims not to know me, though, when I speak with her. “I believe her anger stems from my desire to give up ballet,” she remarked.

“Want to give up ballet?” Startled, Michael enquired.

Indeed. It no longer appeals to me. Mom used to encourage me to dance, but nowadays she seldom speaks to me,” Hannah remarked.

Hannah, you’re not giving up ballet, Michael firmly stated.

“I will.” Hannah shot back, raising her voice.

“No!” Michael’s yell went higher than he meant to. Hannah’s terrified eyes grew wider. He inhaled deeply and lowered his voice. “I apologize, but you’re not giving up ballet. We won’t be talking about this.

“However…” Hannah opened her mouth to speak.

Michael interrupted her. It cannot be discussed. Let’s get to school now, and then you show me your mother.

She is no longer present. Hannah answered, “She only comes in the mornings.

Michael stated, eager to comprehend, “Then tomorrow, I’ll go to school with you, and you can show me.”

“All right, you’ll see that I’m being honest. Now that you don’t trust me, Hannah muttered.

Michael let out a sigh, his heart aching for his kid.

Michael was unable to find calm for the remainder of the day. His head was always buzzing with ideas of Hannah having visions of Simone. He had assumed Hannah was handling her mother’s passing well.

Ever since their relocation to the new city, she had been serene and upbeat. However, as of late,

The following day, Michael escorted Hannah to school and accompanied her inside. Hannah insisted throughout the morning that she wasn’t lying and that he would soon be able to verify her words.

“Where is she now?” With his eyes darting throughout the school hallways, Michael questioned as they passed.

“I’m not sure. Hannah looked around nervously and responded, “We need to locate her.

They continued walking past offices and schools. Hannah suddenly yelled, “There! Mom!” She gestured to a housekeeper who was facing away from them. Michael stopped, heart racing.

The woman did look like Simone from behind. Running up to her, Hannah gave her a gentle pull on her sleeve. Michael moved cautiously toward her, his thoughts racing.

It wasn’t Simone, Michael realized as the woman turned around. From a distance, the likeness had been striking, but up close, she was obviously unfamiliar.

“Well, you’re not my mother,” Hannah remarked. Her shoulders sagged as she took a step back.

With a soft grin on her face, the woman said, “Unfortunately not, sweetie.”

Following his apology to the woman, Michael escorted her away while holding Hannah’s hand. This isn’t your mother, Hannah. He leaned down and whispered, “I know it’s difficult to lose her, but your mom is in a better place now and is constantly watching over you.

“I’m aware that this isn’t Mom! Hannah said, “I’m not blind,” as tears welled up in her eyes. However, she was present. I saw her, I promise.

“You don’t think I’m real!” Hannah’s voice resounded throughout the corridor as she yelled. “Mum has always accepted me!” She turned and fled from Michael’s grasp.”Hannah!” he yelled after her, but she persisted in running and vanished down the hallway.

With a heavy heart, Michael went back to his car. He was aware of Hannah and Simone’s unique relationship. Though he knew he would never be able to fully replace her mother, he was determined to give his daughter his all.

That same day after school, Michael called in sick to work and made an appointment for Hannah to see a psychologist. “We’re going to see a lady you can talk to about anything,” he said as he scooped her up. She is ready to assist.

Hannah scowled as she crossed her arms.

Hannah, who was still furious at Michael, scowled and crossed her arms. She said, “I don’t want to talk to anyone.”

As they drove to the psychologist’s office, Michael added, “I know you’re upset, but this might help.”

The psychologist gave them a kind welcome when they arrived. Hello, Hannah. My name is Stevens, Dr. Do you want to accompany me? She smiled kindly as she asked.

After giving Michael a quick glance, Hannah reluctantly followed Dr. Stevens.

Dr. Stevens emerged after an hour to speak with Michael. She had a somber, contemplative expression.

“What was the outcome?” With anxiety in his voice, Michael enquired.

Dr. Stevens gave a comforting grin. “I don’t notice any indications of psychological problems. She’s not lying, in my opinion. Hannah sincerely thinks that she runs across her mother at school.

Michael scowled. But it’s not feasible. Her mom has passed away.

Dr. Stevens nodded and said, “I get it. However, each person grieves differently. It’s possible that Hannah isn’t ready to part from her mother. Her perception of her could be in others.

“What actions should I take?” Feeling lost, Michael enquired.

“Assist her. Trust her,” Dr. Stevens counseled. She is not deceiving you. For now, this is her reality.

With a nod, Michael inhaled deeply. “All right, I’m grateful.”

After picking Hannah up, they left for home. He saw she appeared to be a little calmer and less aggressive as he was heading there.

Michael drove Hannah back to school the following day. Her teacher came over to his car as they got there. The teacher continued, “I’d like to show you some of Hannah’s drawings.”

Curious, Michael got out of the automobile. He followed the teacher and said, “Okay, let’s see them.”

He was given a stack of sketches by the teacher. Surprised, Michael turned through them. “These are very remarkable. He said, “I had no idea Hannah could draw this well. I’m so proud of her.”

The teacher said, “She has real talent.”

After expressing his gratitude to the teacher, Michael entered the corridor and kept examining the sketches. He was nearly blind to what was in front of him since he was so engrossed.

He looked up and felt his heart almost stop. Simone was standing there. Michael’s heart pounded and he felt immobile, as if he had forgotten how to breathe.

Hannah suddenly sprang from her classroom, her face beaming with excitement at the sight of the woman.

“Mum!” With a yell, Hannah ran to the woman who bore a striking resemblance to her late mother. She turned and grinned triumphantly at Michael. “I was telling the truth, like I said.”

Michael stood motionless, his thoughts racing. He stammered, unable to think of anything else to say, “Uh-huh.”

Hannah hesitantly went back to her classroom as the instructor called her back. Michael walked carefully toward the woman, still in astonishment. With trembling in his voice, he said, “Simone?”

The woman gave him a perplexed look. “Pardon me?” she asked.

“Simone, are you there really?” Michael enquired once more, his heart racing.

“I apologize, sir. My name is Evelyn,” the woman firmly said.

Evelyn apologized for not hearing you, her expression remaining perplexed.

How is it possible? In what way did you get here? Michael enquired.

I truly don’t know what you’re talking about, sir. I have never in my life seen you before. You had to be thinking I’m someone else. Evelyn turned to go, “I have to get back to work.

“The tattoo on your shoulder is real!” In desperation, Michael yelled. Evelyn came to a standstill, motionless. “A Chrysanthemum,” he continued.

Evelyn slowly turned around.

“When Hannah was born, you got it. Hannah, the flower on your shoulder is called Chrysanthemum. Michael clarified, “You joked that the flower would always be with you even if Hannah grew up and forgot about you.

“Hey, this is weird, and it’s frightening me,” she murmured, averting her gaze quickly.

“I was too afraid to have the tattoo, but I also wanted one. Michael remarked, “You were always braver than me.”

“How are you aware of the tattoo that I own? Have you been paying attention to me? That weird chick called me her mother first, and now you. With a rising voice of panic, Evelyn exclaimed, “I’m going to go crazy.”

Permit me to explain everything, please. Would you want to join me for coffee?

Evelyn said, maintaining her cautious expression, “I have to finish my work.”

Hoping she would accept, Michael added, “I’ll wait for you outside.”

Michael stepped outside and rested his head on his vehicle. This was real? He couldn’t believe it. Simone eventually emerged from the school and cautiously made her way over to him.

“All set to go?” Michael questioned quietly.

Simone gave a nod, and they climbed into the car and headed to the closest café. They placed a coffee order. dark. Michael grinned, recalling how Simone detested coffee that had cream or sugar in it.

Michael drew a deep breath as their order came. “I have something I must tell you. Hannah is our daughter, and we were joined in marriage.

Simone listened closely but with a perplexed expression. “It’s not something I remember,” she said.

Evelyn said, maintaining her cautious expression, “I have to finish my work.”

Hoping she would accept, Michael added, “I’ll wait for you outside.”

Michael stepped outside and rested his head on his vehicle. This was real? He couldn’t believe it. Simone eventually emerged from the school and cautiously made her way over to him.

“All set to go?” Michael questioned quietly.

Simone gave a nod, and they climbed into the car and headed to the closest café. They placed a coffee order. dark. Michael grinned, recalling how Simone detested coffee that had cream or sugar in it.

Michael drew a deep breath as their order came. “I have something I must tell you. Hannah is our daughter, and we were joined in marriage.

For illustrative purposes only; Pexels source

Simone’s eyes got bigger. “Really?”

After observing her go, Simone approached Michael with caution while carrying her coffee cup. “Allow me to wash this,” she proposed.

Michael removed the cup out of her grasp. “No worries, I’ll just wash it,” he grinned. Simone grinned back, staying still anyway. She just stood there, observing him.

“Is everything in order?” Michael observed her reluctance and inquired.

Simone nodded gently. “I believe I have something in mind.”

Michael looked up at her. “What did you recall?”

As we stood by the shore, a dog approached us. We were standing beneath an arch when it initially toppled me over, according to Simone.

Michael chuckled. Indeed, it was our nuptials. My childhood pet, Toby, was the dog.

Simone grinned. “When I remember everything, I think it will still be my favorite story,” the woman remarked.

Simone smiled back at Michael, and he gave her a hesitant hug. With caution not to squirt her with soap and water, Michael gave her a hug in return. Hope and warmth rushed through him.

He never would have imagined feeling this pleased again, even a few weeks ago. He was struck with how much he had missed this intimacy as he hugged her.

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