The frantic search for a Texas teenager is over, and the story has a happy ending. Geneva Hodge reportedly left a note in her bedroom telling her family she was leaving and that her family wouldn’t see her for a very long time.

Geneva’s mother, Francis Schrader, was terrified something terrible had happened to her daughter and immediately began searching for her and praying for her safe return.

As news of Geneva’s disappearance began circulating, loved ones created a Facebook group, Find Geneva Hodge, dedicated to locating her. Schrader wanted to find her daughter as soon as possible and hired Colman Ryan, a private investigator, who helped with the search.

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Schrader instantly felt something was wrong.

She told the Daily Mail that when she found the note on May 29, she was immediately concerned. Schrader said her daughter was excited about her senior year of high school and that the note didn’t sound like anything she would have written. The mother shared the note with the media outlet.

“Dear mom, I love you a lot and I know me leaving is going to kill you. I’m alright! It was nobody’s decision but my own. I’m going to do online schooling and finish everything. I’m with some people that I trust very much,” the note read. “I’m always gonna be your little girl. I’ve grown up and became this amazing young lady. Just remember mom, I love you so much!! This is goodbye for a long time! I’m sorry. Bye mom, I love you! Love, Geneva.”

The mother feared her daughter was the victim of human trafficking.

Per the Daily Mail, Schrader suspected her daughter had been kidnapped and had allegedly been seen with a man a short time after she disappeared. The mother told the media outlet that her daughter is a “good kid” who had never done anything like this before.

Schrader was distraught in the days following her daughter’s disappearance and told the Daily Mail she could barely eat.

Geneva reportedly left everything behind.

Her mom told KHOU she left her phone at home and hadn’t used her debit card since she took off. According to her mom, no one who read the letter believed the teen had written it on her own.

“Everybody’s read this letter and they’re like, that’s not Geneva. That’s just not her,” Schrader said.

The mother hired a private investigator to help.

The Bellville Police Department began searching for Geneva and her family. Her mother wanted even more help and enlisted Ryan’s help to locate Geneva.

“She says and the closest people around her have said, that’s not her something’s wrong here. I agree. Who would know better,” he told KHOU.

A public Facebook group, Find Geneva Hodge, also popped up with more than 1,000 people sharing information and leads hoping to locate the missing teen.

Four days after she disappeared, Geneva was found.

Geneva was found safely and was reunited with her family, according to the Bellville Police Department Facebook page. Her mother confirmed the good news on the Find Geneva Hodge group.

“Our baby girl is home and she is safe. I want to thank everyone that went above and beyond to help find her,” she wrote. “We will still hold a prayer vigil tonight to thank Our Lord and Savior for bringing her home safely. Come show your love and give her a hug. Thank you.”

It is unclear where Geneva was during the four-day search, but the teenager reportedly appears to be safe and in good health.

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