Ladies, what’s the wildest thing your husband has done to skip chores? Mine secretly threw our dishes away! Discover how my clever lesson made him the master of all household duties.

I never thought I’d be the kind of wife who’d stoop to trickery, but desperate times call for desperate measures, right? My name’s Shannon, I’m 45, and I’ve been married to my sweet Andrew for almost two decades. We were the picture-perfect couple, or so I thought until I discovered his dirty little secret…

Andrew and I were the picture-perfect couple, living our own fairytale. We’d divided household chores, with dishes falling squarely on his plate every Tuesday and Thursday.

“I won’t let you down,” he’d promised with a charming smile. If only I’d known then how hollow those words would ring.

Just as he was about to head outside to throw it in the trash bin, he hesitated. I held my breath as a complex interplay of confusion, guilt, and frustration flashed across his face.

With a heavy sigh, he returned to the sink and resumed washing.

I couldn’t believe it. Had my plan actually worked?

Andrew scrubbed each dish meticulously, his movements almost robotic. When he finished, he turned to me, defeated.

“Shan,” he said. “I think… I think we should get a dishwasher.”


I blinked, feigning surprise. “A dishwasher? But I thought you liked doing the dishes by hand?”

He shook his head, a bewildered look on his face. “Shan, I think I need help. These dishes… they’re multiplying or something. I swear I wash them, but they keep coming back dirty. I can’t explain it.”

I bit my lip, suppressing a smile. “Oh, Andy. You’ve been working so hard lately.”

He ran his hands through his hair, frustrated. “I know it sounds crazy, but I’m serious. Look, how about I take over all the chores for a while? Maybe if I do everything else, I’ll figure out what’s going on. And we should get a dishwasher. It might help with this… whatever this is.”

I pretended to consider his offer. “Well… if you really think it’ll help…”

Andrew nodded eagerly. “I do. I promise, Shan. I’ll get to the bottom of this mystery.”

I stood up and wrapped my arms around him. “Okay, Andy. And hey, maybe doing all the chores will be therapeutic. Help you unwind after work, you know?”

He chuckled nervously. “Yeah, maybe. Who knows? I might even start to enjoy it.”

As we stood there in our kitchen, surrounded by the “mysteriously” reappearing dirty dishes, I couldn’t help but smile. Sometimes, a little mischief can lead to a whole lot of resolution.

And who knows? Maybe Andrew really would start to enjoy doing ALL THE HOUSEHOLD CHORES! (wink!!) Stranger things have happened, after all!

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