My new neighbor came on my door at 2 a.m., and I had no idea he would lead me into a web of lies and infidelity. An act of goodwill suddenly became a moral issue that made me doubt all I thought I understood about trust and doing the right thing.

Someone banged on my front door when I woke up. I lived alone at 2 a.m. My pulse raced as I checked the door camera app on my phone.

Two weeks before, Nate had moved in next door. Looked panicked, looking over his shoulder every few seconds.

I hesitated. Do I open the door? He seemed friendly despite our few greetings. Maybe there was an emergency.

“Olivia? Are you there? I’m sorry to wake you, but I need help, Nate shouted.

His voice sounded desperate. I breathed deeply and descended, my bare feet freezing on the hardwood floor.

“What’s up?” With my fingers on the lock, I asked through the door.

It’s water pipe. The burst caused a mess. Can I come in?”

Unlocked and opened the door. Nate ran in, relieved but nervous. Wearing sweats and a crumpled t-shirt, he seemed rushed.

He said, “Thanks so much,” rubbing his messy hair. I stopped the leak, but my house is saturated. Sorry, but might I sleep on your couch until morning?

He appeared breathless, likely from handling the pipe. Yes, attempting to hold back a yawn.

“Sure, let me grab you some blankets,” I responded, half-awake.

Bringing a cushion and blanket from the linen cupboard. Nate thanked me profusely as he sat on the couch.

“Maintenance will sort it out tomorrow,” he added, adjusting the blanket. Olivia, I appreciate this. You rescue lives.”

“No problem,” I said, massaging my eyes. “Good night.”

Sleeping was difficult when I returned upstairs. The whole scene felt odd, but I couldn’t pinpoint it. Consider Nate’s anxiety, the late hour, and the convenience. My mind raced with ideas as I tossed and twisted.

I forced myself out of bed and downstairs in the morning. On the bottom step, I heard voices outside. Curious, I looked out the window.

My jaw fell. The house Nate said was flooded seemed good. Long blonde haired woman locked the front door. A Navy-uniformed soldier next to her held her waist.

They kissed before she left and the man returned to the flat. I watched in awe as the pieces fit. Now, the late-night knock, Nate’s uneasiness, and the busted pipe lie made sense.

Nate was watching me from the living room doorway when I turned. He appeared sleepless with a pale face. I know he saw what I saw by his expression.

Can you explain? I asked coldly.

Nate sighed; shoulders slumped. “I guess I owe you honesty. Can we have coffee?”

I nodded stiffly and went to the kitchen. Tension rose as the coffee brewed. Nate fidgeted with a napkin at the counter.

“So,” I began, passing a mug to him over the counter. “No burst pipe?”

Nate gazed into his coffee, searching for answers. “No. Excuse me for lying.”

“Who were they?” I inquired with a nice idea.

He inhaled, his knuckles white around the mug. Her name is Vanessa. We have been seeing each other for some time. The man is Ryan, her spouse. His Navy deployments are typical.”

I felt a heated knot in my chest from fury. Was I used to conceal from her husband?

Nate said, “It wasn’t supposed to happen like this.” Ryan returned suddenly. Vanessa panicked and ordered me out. I was carless, so—

“So you came here,” I said sarcastically for him. “Great. I now assist your affair.”

Nate’s bowed shoulders showed sadness. Olivia, I’m so sorry. No idea what to do. Was desperate.”

“So that’s okay?” I snapped. “You lied to me, used me, and now I’m in your mess!”

A knock on the door interrupted Nate. We panicked and stared at the door.

“I’ll get it,” I said, clunk-setting my mug.

Ryan, in his Navy uniform, was waiting when I opened the door. Though tall and fit, his kind eyes were tired and anxious.

He said, “Hi, I’m sorry to bother you,” smiling slightly. Ryan: I live next door with my wife.

A smile on my face, my heart racing. Olivia, hello Ryan. How can I help?

He shuffled awkwardly, staring at his feet. “It’s awkward, but… Have you seen anything odd at our house? Meaning when I’m away.”

My heart raced. From the kitchen, Nate was staring at my back, out of Ryan’s view.

“Unusual how?” I asked dumbly, feeling guilty.

Ryan sighed. “My wife may be seeing someone else. Do you think your door camera saw anything suspicious last night?”

Felt nauseous. I hid his wife’s lover in my kitchen while he was cheated on. The falsehood weighed me down.

Hating myself, I said, “I’m sorry.” “I haven’t noticed anything unusual.”

Nodding, Ryan looked defeated. “Thanks anyway. Sorry for bothering you.”

After closing the door, I leaned against it and closed my eyes. What a mess. How had my generous act become a nightmare?

Nate was impatiently waiting in the kitchen with his coffee unfinished.

“That was close,” he murmured, relieved. “Thank you for silence.”

Enraged again, I stopped him with a hand. Do not thank me. Not for you.”

Nodding, Nate looked ashamed. “I know. I’ll leave your hair.”

I answered, “Not so fast,” generating an idea. “You owe me.”

He widened his eyes, showing terror. “You mean what?”

Taking a deep breath, I prepared. “I want $500 for silence. You must vow to quit dating Vanessa or any married woman.”

“What? It’s blackmail! Nate objected.

“Call it what you want,” I said coldly, crossing my arms. “I would rather not keep this secret for free. I won’t injure Ryan more than he already has.”

Nate clinched his jaw as he glanced at me. Very slowly, he nodded. “Okay. Deal.”

He retrieved his wallet and tallied the money. As he handed it over, I felt guilty. Was I now better than him?

Nate said, “I’ll end things with Vanessa,” without looking at me. You won’t see me again.”

Suddenly exhausted, I nodded. “Good. Please depart.”

I slumped on the couch with my head in my hands as Nate left. I relived the last 12 hours like a lousy movie.

I became caught in a web of lies and deceit while trying to be a nice neighbor. I deceived and blackmailed an innocent man. I felt the $500 burning in my pocket.

Was it worthwhile? It was unclear. But I knew I’d never look at my neighbors the same. My once-peaceful suburban street now looked full with secrets and falsehoods.

What would you’ve done?