Let’s hope if you ever do encounter a shark, you can pull off these moves to get away safely

If you have the boldness to get into the ocean with all manner of fierce animals, it’s best to know how to defend yourself against them if the worst was to happen.

But after seeing a terrifying simulation showing how to defend oneself against a shark, people are saying it’s asking a bit much.

I’ll be honest and say I have never had a fight with a shark. In fact, I count my blessings each day on how few shark attacks I’ve had to deal with.

With that being said, if I did get jumped by a shark, it helps to know how to increase my chances of survival.

Which is exactly what this viral simulation hoped to teach viewers.

All the same, do your best to avoid tussling with a shark (Getty Stock Image)

All the same, do your best to avoid tussling with a shark (Getty Stock Image)

YouTube channel Zack D. Films uploaded a video to the channel a few months ago which demonstrates how to survive a shark attack but a lot of people aren’t convinced they would manage it.

The simulation shows a man in the deep ocean, showcasing just how you should defend yourself against a shark.

The narrator in the video said: “Punching and kicking the eyes and gills can be an effective way to defend yourself during a shark attack.

“This can deter the shark from continuing its attack.”

So yeah, do your best to swing and aim while under water, I guess.

The narrator continued: “Also maintain strong eye contact as much as possible as this may cause the shark to lose interest.

“If it does lose interest, slowly and calmly back away towards safety keeping your movements smooth to avoid splashing.”

Sounds easy enough, but I reckon between the screams of terror you might struggle to keep calm and aim for the gills of the animal.

It seemed people on social media also agreed, as they remarked just how hard it would be for them to successfully pull this off.

“Trying to punch underwater is like trying to throw a punch in your dream,” one YouTube user wrote.

People were less convinced they could pull of the needed moves underwater (Getty Stock Image)

People were less convinced they could pull of the needed moves underwater (Getty Stock Image)

“Punching and kicking underwater is way too f**king hard. It’s like if pillows had fists,” added another.

“My man really just said “If you want to survive a shark attack…. you gotta fight the shark, lol,” a third commented.

“I will calmly think about your advice when I’m being eaten,” another wrote.

But hey, it is better to know and never need than to be wondering what would have happened if you had paid more attention in shark boxing class.

Featured Image Credit: Youtube/Zack D. Films/Getty/Stephen Frink

Diving expert reveals how to survive shark attack

Diving expert reveals how to survive shark attack

An expert has advised exactly what to do when you come face to face with the apex predator

Coming face-to-face with a shark is, understandably, a fear that keeps some people out of the open ocean but one viral video has explained just how to survive an attack.

Your natural instinct to try and swim away in panic if you came across the apex predator probably would make things worse, let’s be honest.

Thankfully a video, that has gone viral on TikTok, has advised social media users what they are meant to do if they happen to come into contact with a shark in the deep blue sea.

The clip was shared in mid November by Kayleigh Nicole Grant, who runs Kaimana Ocean Safari in Hawaii. It has so far been viewed more than 16 million times since being posted.

“Sharks have natural instincts and splashing, panicking, and swimming away from them can trigger their prey drive. It’s better to stay calm, stand your ground, make eye contact, and if necessary push them away,” she captioned the video.

That is likely easier said than done, but it is certainly better to have a plan of action when faced with a predator in their natural habitat.

To prove she knows what she is talking about, Grant filmed herself taking her own advice.

The diving expert filmed herself taking her own advice.


In the clip she can be seen filming a shark coming towards her while she swims away in flippers. She then stops, reaches out her hand and nudges the shark calmly out of her way.

Social media users were quick to joke about how effortlessly Grant shifted the shark out of the way.

“If a shark tries to attack you, just say no,” one user joked.

“My toxic trait is thinking with this learned new tactic I can swim with the sharks,” another added.

“Shark really said ‘got it, enjoy your swim’,” joked someone else.

“Sharks have a fear of rejection and get embarrassed if you say no,” another commented.

Despite the fears had by many, shark attacks are considered rare in Hawaii.

The clip has gone viral.


According to the Department of Land and Natural Resources of Hawaii, there have only been a total of seven confirmed shark attacks this year.

“It’s important to keep these incidents in perspective, and to remember that in Hawaii the chances of being bitten by a shark are less than one in a million,” the website states.

“The chances of being seriously injured by a shark are much less than that. But considering the tendency of some media to sensationalize sharks, and the fact that shark bites are such unusual events, it’s probably not surprising that when they occur they often generate attention out of proportion to the risk itself.”

Featured Image Credit: MermaidKayleigh/TikTok

Diver shows what you should do if a shark approaches and it's the opposite of what everyone expected

Diver shows what you should do if a shark approaches and it’s the opposite of what everyone expected

The video showed a safety diver demonstrating how to safely deal with an approaching Tiger Shark

Video shows a safety diver demonstrating how to properly handle an approaching Tiger Shark.

So-called for their distinctive striped sides, Tiger Sharks are one of the species of shark which can be dangerous for humans.

They are large predatory sharks that grow to around five metres in length when they reach maturity.

Tiger Sharks have a huge range of food sources that they feed on, including sea turtles, dolphins, fish, and even other sharks.

They are also the species with the second highest number of recorded fatal attacks on humans, after the Great White.

However, it is important to note that these are still exceptionally rare, with animals such as bees, wasps, and dogs having higher numbers.

Some tourist diving spots even offer dives specifically to dive with Tiger Sharks, which includes instructors to monitor the sharks during the dive.

But while sharks in these areas are accustomed to humans and live in clear, shallow water, divers still need to take great care around them, as this video shows.

Tiger Sharks are large predators. (Rodrigo Friscione / Getty)

Tiger Sharks are large predators. (Rodrigo Friscione / Getty)

While they are very large predatory animals, Tiger Sharks usually approach a human out of curiosity, not aggression.

The video shows the proper way to respond to this, starting off by showing how not act with a Tiger Shark.

What not to do is to behave ‘like prey’, such as splashing a lot or seeming like you’re trying to escape the shark.

This will only make the shark think that you might be something tasty, which is obviously not what you would want it to think.

What you should do is face down the Tiger Shark, giving it the impression that you too are an ocean-going terror from the deep.

If this doesn’t work and the shark continues to approach you, there is one final thing that you can do to protect yourself.

Needless to say, don't do this if you're not a professional. (Stephen Frink / Getty)

Needless to say, don’t do this if you’re not a professional. (Stephen Frink / Getty)

However, it was also made clear that this is very much a last resort tactic if the shark approaches you.

This is to place your hand on top of the shark’s nose and push it down away from you, before letting it swim past.

In diving, the technique is called ‘redirecting’, and just lets the shark get on with its swimming and eating, though eating something else.

People were left saying the same thing after watching the video, with one writing on social media: “I will just stay away from the water lol,” while another posted: “How about just don’t ever go swimming where there are sharks?”

A third joked: “Unless the shark climbs out of the water and lays on a sun lounger, I think I’ll be ok.”

Featured Image Credit: @‌mermaid.Kayleigh via Storyful

Simulation shows what 100 billion dollars in cash looks like as people say it's 'hard to comprehend'

Simulation shows what 100 billion dollars in cash looks like as people say it’s ‘hard to comprehend’

Ever wondered what $1 trillion looks like in $100 bills?

When it comes to the grand amounts of money, it can be hard to understand just how much that is in real terms, and even harder to picture what that looks like in cash.

Most people just want to make sure they have enough cash to cover their bills and have stuff left over to enjoy life.

But a simulation that has been circulating on social media for the past few months has tried to break down what $100 billion would look like if it was stacked in $100 bills.

And in case you didn’t know, since a billion is such a big number, hundreds of stacks of bills takes up a surprising amount of space.

The video, originally shared on Instagram by the RED SIDE YouTube page, has left many people scratching their heads when they understand how much money is truly circulating around the world.

The video begins by showing a singular $100 bill on a patch of grass, next to a thicker stack, numbered as being $10,000.

This presentation continues as it begins to scroll to the side, occasionally showing a person to contextualize how much money is being shown.

$1 trillion appears to be a stack the size of a factory building, while $1 quadrillion dwarfs most skyscrapers.

Many Reddit users also remarked they were surprised they couldn’t accurately predict the size of the large figure.

The video begins by showing a singular $100 bill on a patch of grass, next to a thicker stack, numbered as being $10,000.


“Humans naturally have a hard time comprehending the actual difference between a million, a billion, and a trillion,” one user wrote.

“This is a cool video. I sometimes tell people that a billion dollars in 100 dollar bills would weigh 22,000 lbs but this I think says even more. People can’t comprehend numbers that big,” another added.

“So…Jeff Bezos’ stack of cash is bigger than my apartment…ok….cool. Cool cool cool,” joked one user.

Other users noted that the background begins to change as the viewer is seen larger sums of money. Going from a bright green grassland area to a destroyed and derelict city.

This is what $100 billion looks like.


“Was I the only one who noticed it started out in a peaceful grassy field and ended in a post apocalyptic wasteland?” one person commented.

“When corporate greed leads to our planet’s destruction, this is what the post apocalypse will actually look like,” added another.

“My compliments on the choice of the background. Nothing shows better the trail of destruction that is left behind while collecting extreme wealth.”

Featured Image Credit: Reddit/worldisillusion

Simulation shows what 100 billion dollars in cash looks like as people say it's 'hard to comprehend'

Simulation shows what 100 billion dollars in cash looks like as people say it’s ‘hard to comprehend’

100 billion dollars is a lot to think about – let alone see laid out before you

$100,000,000,000. That’s a lot of zeroes to get your head around, and it’s even harder to comprehend when you see it laid out before you.

No, unfortunately this isn’t me offering to show you 100 billion dollars – I wouldn’t be sat here writing this if I had that amount of cash to hand.

Instead, the visual comes from a simulation that emerged on social media showing what $100 billion would look like if it was stacked in $100 bills.

And in case you didn’t know, since a billion is such a big number, it takes quite a few stacks to reach the grand total.

The video was originally shared on Instagram by the RED SIDE YouTube page, and starts off with a focus on a couple of smaller (although still sizeable) figures – $100 and $10,000.

The first can be represented by just one note, while the second is made up of a small stack.

It’s then that we cut to the billions, and things really to ramp up.

The simulation just keeps going as the stacks of money go on, with the occasional human thrown in for context of just how big the piles are.

All in all, the 100 billion dollars seems to take up the size of a multiple-storey building, dwarfing a truck positioned against the pile as a size reference.

Many Reddit users also admitted they were surprised they couldn’t accurately predict the size of the large figure.

The video begins by showing a singular $100 bill on a patch of grass, next to a thicker stack, numbered as being $10,000.


“Humans naturally have a hard time comprehending the actual difference between a million, a billion, and a trillion,” one user wrote.

Another added: “This is a cool video. I sometimes tell people that a billion dollars in 100 dollar bills would weigh 22,000 lbs but this I think says even more. People can’t comprehend numbers that big,” another added.

“So…Jeff Bezos’ stack of cash is bigger than my apartment…ok….cool. Cool cool cool,” joked one user.

This is what $100 billion looks like.


Other users pointed out that the background begins to change as the viewer is seen larger sums of money, going from a bright green grassland area to a destroyed and derelict city.

“Was I the only one who noticed it started out in a peaceful grassy field and ended in a post apocalyptic wasteland?” one person commented.

“When corporate greed leads to our planet’s destruction, this is what the post apocalypse will actually look like,” added another.

“My compliments on the choice of the background. Nothing shows better the trail of destruction that is left behind while collecting extreme wealth.”

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