Jenna was heartbroken and confused when burn marks destroyed her dream garment days before her wedding. While searching for the perpetrator, she discovered a terrible betrayal that changed everything. Her response? All-out revenge.

I was staring at myself in Bella’s Bridal’s mirror, crying over a dress. I never thought I would. I struggled to keep my makeup intact as tears fell.

“Oh, honey,” my mom hugged me. “You look stunning.”

The beaded lace bodice suited me wonderfully and flowed into a gorgeous tulle skirt as I stroked it. I always wanted to wear it to my wedding to Adam.

“This is it,” I spun to show my mom. “This is it.”

A week later, I was still thrilled. I hung the dress in the guest room closet, zippered it in its garment bag, but I kept looking at it.

“You’re obsessed,” Adam remarked one night after I looked at my dress again.

I smiled and joined him on the couch. Can you blame me? I’ll marry you in that dress in three weeks. The luckiest girl in the world.”

Adam hugged me and kissed my forehead. “I’m the lucky one,” he muttered.

I had no idea my world would collapse.

It was Tuesday morning. I remember because I had the day off work and was arranging a wedding. I skipped to the guest room for my daily wedding dress fix.

My heart sunk when I opened the closet door.

I couldn’t believe my eyes. The garment bag was opened, revealing my outfit, however it looked odd.

I reached out with shaky hands and saw large, unsightly scorch marks damaging the fine lace and jewelry.

My legs gave out, and I fell on the floor, sobbing. This is impossible. It must have been awful. I scrambled for my phone and called my mom through sobs.

“Mom,” I choked when she replied. “The dress is ruined.”

“What? Slow down, Jenna. What happened?

I cried and attempted to explain, but it was a disaster. How could this happen? The clothing was great yesterday.

“I’m coming over,” Mom insisted. Honey, remain put. We’ll resolve this.”

I hung up and called Adam fast. His joyful response came on the second ring. Hi, babe! What’s up?

I shakily said, “Adam.” “Something terrible has happened.”

When I informed him about the clothing, I could hear his surprise over the phone.

“That’s impossible,” he said. How could this happen? Are you sure it wasn’t an accident? Perhaps the house wiring is malfunctioning?”

Though his idea seemed absurd, I was too outraged to argue. “I don’t know,” I choked. “Can you return?”

“I’ve got a big meeting I can’t reschedule,” he apologized. “I’ll be there ASAP. No worries—we’ll work it out.”

After hanging up, I felt uneasy. This circumstance didn’t make sense, and I wanted to find out why.

My mom arrived within an hour, and we thoroughly examined the clothing to determine what happened.

“It looks like it was done with an iron,” she stated as she looked worried. “But who would do this?”

Shaking my head, I felt sick. “No idea. Only you and Jason have been here recently.”

The best friend of Adam was Jason. He dropped off wedding preparation supplies a few days earlier. Surely, he wouldn’t…

“Check the security cameras,” Mom said. “Maybe they caught something.”

I forgot Adam placed the cameras a few months ago. I opened my phone’s app and scrolled through the clip with trembling palms.

Then I saw.

Watching Adam—my Adam—enter the guest room with an iron broke my heart. He unzipped the garment bag and put the hot iron against my frock with steady determination.

“Oh my God,” I whispered, dropping the phone. It was scooped up by mom, who turned pale.

“Jenna,” she whispered. I’m sorry. Why would he do this?

I didn’t respond. The remainder of the day blurred. I canceled appointments despite friends and family’s concerns. I hated explaining what happened—I hardly understood it.

Adam arrived home to find me in the living room.

The damaged dress was on the coffee table between us.

He turned white at my expression. Jennifer, I can explain—

“Explain?” Voice shaking with rage, I cut him off. “How did you intentionally ruin my wedding dress? Way you lied to me?”

“It’s not what you think,” he begged. “Jason told me things. About you and ex. He stated you were meeting up and doubting us.”

Staring at him, I was stunned. You damaged my dress because Jason said? You didn’t let me explain?”

Adam regretted his actions, but it was too late. “I was jealous and scared,” he said. “I thought if I could just make you upset enough, you’d see my side.”

Shaking my head, I was shocked. Adam, you crossed a line. Changing this requires more than words. Not now.”

He seemed eager to dispute, but I jumped up to stop him. “I need space,” I insisted. “I can’t do this now.”

I felt betrayed as he left. Broken trust made my wedding, which I was so excited for, seem faraway.

I looked at him in bewilderment and hatred. “You believed him? After five years, you thought I’d cheat?

Adam slouched. “He suggested… He claimed your reaction would demonstrate how much you cared about the wedding if I destroyed the dress. About me.”

“So you tested me?” I spat. By wrecking my dream dress?

Adam was crying now. Jenna, I’m sorry. Not sure what I was thinking. We can fix this. We can get you a new dress—

“New dress?” I interjected, my voice shaking with fury and pain. It’s more than the dress, Adam. The issue is trust. You spoiled something special with a silly test.”

His hand extended for mine, but I declined. I need time to think. I need to decide if we can move on.”

Adam frowned but nodded, knowing he had nothing further to say. I felt empty after he departed. The pain of broken trust and dreams overwhelmed the wedding, which had once been joyful and anticipated.

“A new dress?” Bitter laughter. You believe it’s the dress? Adam, you betrayed me. Your envy and insecurity destroyed everything we had.”

Looking at the man I thought I knew, I realized the dress wasn’t the only injury.

“The wedding’s off,” I whispered. “I can’t marry someone who distrusts me.”

As I left, Adam’s pleadings became background noise. I fled the room, house, and our planned life.

The next few days were filled with cancellations and explanations. My friends comforted and supported me. The disbelief faded into rage.

I was mad at Adam too. I was mad at Jason too. I grew convinced he was the guilty as I thought about it. He lied, manipulated Adam, and wrecked our friendship.

And for what? Jealousy? Boredom? Whatever his excuse, I couldn’t let him off the hook.

I found proof that Jason had been cheating on Sophie, his serious girlfriend, for months after some investigating. I got dates, locations, and even some damning images from a mutual acquaintance who saw him with another woman.

I debated my next move. Part of me wanted to confront Jason and watch him writhe in shame when his deception was revealed. However, I chose a more effective method.

I started an anonymous email account and gave Sophie the evidence. Jason’s cheating was proven without commentary.

Reaction was explosive.

Sophie called Jason out on social media after ending their relationship. Her friends backed her, but Jason’s reputation crumbled in days.

I observed the scene from afar with grim delight.

A few weeks later, I met Adam at a coffee shop and realized everything.

I said, “I heard about Jason,” attempting to sound nonchalant.

Adam nodded, exhausted. “Yeah. He lied to many, including me. I… Jenna, I’m sorry. For everything.”

I glanced at him, felt my fury slip away. Only a lingering aching for what could have been left.

I accept your apology. Finally, I apologized. Not for what I did, but what we lost.”

I felt light as I left. I was over the dress, wedding, and betrayal. I couldn’t anticipate the future, but it was mine.

Finally, I grinned after weeks.