I didn’t anticipate my relatives to do what they did when my grandmother invited us to her birthday party! Their actions harmed Grandma, and I wouldn’t let my family get away with it. My plan put them in their place!

My tale begins painfully but ends reasonably well. It’s all about my Granny, the sweetest person ever. While our parents divorced, this amazing mother raised me and my siblings.

This is so the reader can realize how precious this woman is to us, or to me. She surprised everyone before her 83rd birthday since she’s selfless and doesn’t want to cause issues.

Instead of us doing something special, my Gran-Gran organized a brunch at her place! She planned this despite her illness. She baked her own bread and cakes at daybreak!

Everyone learned about the gathering from my grandmother’s week-ahead invites. Despite her shaky hands, the woman handwrote her invitations and made her own meals!

The effort and attention she put into her special day motivated me to go. I came 10 minutes late to her birthday celebration due to work.

I was late, but I had purchased her a gift and pitched with it. My lovely grandmother was clearing plates and pouring coffee down the sink when I entered.

Confused, I questioned, “Gran-Gran, did I get your birthday party time wrong? What happened? Everyone where? I asked, trying to speak clearly. I thought I missed the party! My granny revealed with a lump in her throat:

“Sany, you’re not late—no one came to my birthday. It’s okay, dear. Know everyone’s busy.”

My heart broke and my blood boiled when I saw her eyes water. The poor woman tried to grin shakily while pretending everything was well.

“Busy? Mom retired, Tim is unemployed, and Sarah is ‘between jobs,’ whatever that means! They have no justification!” I hugged Granny. Everyone in my family promised to attend. No one had the humility to pitch!

I would compensate everyone. I planned retaliation while holding her. My Grandma wouldn’t know, but it was personal now! After spending time with her, I excused myself and made some calls outside.

I determined to teach my family a well-deserved lesson. I called my mom first. “Hi, Mom! Where are you?! Gran-Gran fainted and I discovered her alone in the house!” My mother enquired what happened with concern.

I lied again, “I don’t know what happened. I arrived late for her birthday party and discovered her facedown in the kitchen.” I told her my grandma was hospitalized.

I shamed her, “This could’ve been avoided if you guys had bothered to attend.” Sandra, I got caught up in something, honey. I’ll check on her.”

“Caught up in what? You’ve retired! Anger drove me to snap. She replied, “Don’t take that tone with me!” before I could contain my wrath.

“Sorry, Mom, I am just so worried about Gran-Gran,” I lied. “Another thing I need you to do is send money for the high hospital bills.” My mother sent her part of the bogus $2,000 bill, feeling awful.

After dropping the phone, I spent more time with my grandma until she begged to nap. With that opportunity, I phoned all the family members who hadn’t pitched.

Called my brother Tim. “Where are you? You skipped Gran-Gran’s brunch. Why?

“Something came up,” he muttered. “Like what? Yet another video game marathon? I replied. Tim, she’s hospitalized. You even care? He gasped and asked, “Is she going to be okay? What happened?

I ignored him, saying I was too stressed to explain. However, I reminded her that someone attending her brunch would have prevented her tragedy.

My goal was to guilt them and hit them in the wallet. I told Tim the same tale about hospital bills and everyone contributing.

“I’ll hustle some cash from a friend,” he said. My mother had sent money by then. She wanted an update on Gran-Gran’s health as I hadn’t told her what hospital she was in.

I called my sister and other relatives similarly. Each sent money out of remorse. I quickly collected a lot! Pretending Grandma was alive kept them guessing. I announced next-day visitation.

I stayed with Gran-Gran to keep her company. I scheduled a trip for her and me to a gorgeous place she’d always wanted to visit the next morning. I gave her tickets by surprise.

Pack your baggage, Gran-Gran. We’re traveling!” I said, beaming. Her eyes expanded. “What? How did you pay?

“Let’s just say I collected a few IOUs,” I winked.

We enjoyed a week at a beach resort with sun, sea, and each other. I gave Gran-Gran a proper birthday party. We documented every happy moment with several photos.

Before we went, I reassured everyone that Grandma was being released. I attributed her fall to stress. I promised to look after her and no one had to worry.

I tagged our family in vacation images on social media. The subtitles read “Best birthday ever!” and “Gran-Gran’s special getaway!” My phone started buzzing with calls and texts quickly.

My mom sent the first. “But you said the money was for the hospital!” she shouted. “But you promised you would come to her brunch and you didn’t,” I said gently, hanging up.

Then my brother called. “What the hell, sis? You duped us!”

“And you broke Gran-Gran’s heart,” I said before hanging up.

Every family member got the same answer. Watching them wiggle made me happy. They had disappointed her and needed to grasp the repercussions.

Gran-Gran shone when we got home. She smiled nonstop after we left! I appreciate this, sweetie. She hugged me hard, saying that was her best week.

You deserve it, Gran-Gran. Rest certain, next year will be better.” After that, my family never missed an event. They attended every birthday, holiday, and Sunday supper, yet ignored me for what I did.

Some even tried to guilt me. When they did, I asked, “Do you want us to go and discuss this with Grandma?” This generally made them back off since they were afraid to face what they’d done.

When Gran-Gran smiled, I knew it was worth it! However, I felt bad for defrauding everyone. Do you think I overreacted and went too far, readers?

What would you do in my situation?

Inspired by true events and people, this work is fictionalized for creativity. To preserve privacy and enrich the story, names, characters, and facts were changed. Any resemblance to real people, events, or places is unintentional.

The author and publisher neither guarantee event authenticity nor character characterization and are not liable for misinterpretation. While this work is presented “as is,” the characters’ viewpoints do not reflect those of the author or publisher.