Brisbane resident Judy Sharp, 61, shares her incredible story to encourage others.

When my spouse gave me a bouquet of tulips, my heart fell.

With an artificial smile, I responded, “Thank you, they’re lovely.”

52 weeks a year, without fail, every Friday Mick* brought her flowers.

You would think it should have made her distinctive, but instead it made her nervous for the remainder of the week.

He was easily made jealous of little things. She was really unhappy and despotic.

After the birth of both of their kids, things became worse.

He taped the front and back doors and checked every morning to see if they were broken since he was so sure she was having an affair.

Being considered a bad mother was the only thing that disturbed her.

The boys deserved better, she thought to herself.

But her husband Mick was in control of the money, and she had no where to turn with empty hands.

One day, as she was sitting on the couch with the lads, Mick made fun of her. Abruptly, he reached for the camera, took a photo of them, and informed her that it was her last night on earth so the boys would never forget her.

Her frightened shouts made him loosen his grasp on her as he shot the picture.

When he departed for work the following morning, she took the boys with her.

In the middle of her unstable mental state, she searched for a rental home. This was their last option since no shelter would take them because of Tim’s severe autism.

She withdrew funds from their account to cover one week’s rent and the bond.

They hurriedly got into the removal truck, loaded it, and left.

With little money and no employment, how is she going to raise two boys? However, as soon as she entered the new home, a burden was removed from her.

She was no longer in danger from Mick, but what happened in that house was terrifying, especially for the little boys.

She took care to ensure that they were aware of her affection for them and that they avoided getting upset like their father.

“The most important thing you can do is to be kind,” she would say.

The fact that they have both developed into amazing, content guys makes her very happy. Sam, 30, is a swim coach who qualified for the Olympics, and Tim, 32, is a talented artist.

She works at a profession she loves and lives in a lovely home with a garden.

She wants those who have experienced abuse to know they are not alone by sharing her story.

Every year, on the anniversary of their escape, she posts a story on Facebook. The boys are helping other survivors since they are so proud of themselves.

She found the scary picture Mick took a few years back and made the decision to post it for everyone to see.

Although she found it tough to see their reactions, she wants women to know that domestic abuse is never acceptable. No child should have to grow up in such an awful environment.

She wants everyone to understand that things are getting better.

*Mick’s name has been modified.

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