Excess weight often causes a lot of difficulties and it seems that if you get rid of it, everything will become much better. But sometimes getting your figure back to normal is not enough to become happy. This is what happened to Natalia Karpenko, who was happy and loved when she weighed 136 kg, and along with the excess weight, she lost her family.

Natasha had been plump since childhood, but her family never saw it as a problem. The girl loved sweets and fast food, and her caring mother always packed a container of her favorite food for her to take to school. Even the teasing from her classmates, who called the girl a chubby, did not upset her.

Natasha’s mother was a pastry chef and there were always sweets in the house. Natalia herself was also interested in cooking, but chose to work as a hairdresser as a profession.

Excess weight did not stand in the way of a successful personal life – at 21, Natasha became the wife of Ruslan, a tall and handsome guy who loved and protected her. The girl perceived marriage as an opportunity to give herself a break and her weight quickly went up. At 26, Natasha already weighed 136 kg.

Ruslan was a match for his wife – he had problems with excess weight since childhood, but thanks to his self-confidence, this was never a problem for the guy. When he met Natalia, he was 24 years old, he worked as a driver. The love was sincere and mutual, and the couple quickly got married.

The family’s common passion was food. The wife cooked well and a lot, and the husband loved to eat. If Ruslan went to the registry office weighing 105 kg, which is not so much given his height of 187, then in a couple of years of family life he gained almost 50 kg more.

The extra weight didn’t bother the couple too much, but only until they started thinking about having children. The doctors were unanimous – first, they had to lose the extra pounds.

The decision to start losing weight was not easy for the couple – food was the foundation around which their lives were built. Realizing that they could not solve the problem themselves, they turned to a popular TV show and their application was accepted.

The couple was perceived ambiguously on the project – if Ruslan immediately declared himself a strong rival, then many perceived Natasha as weak and completely dependent on her husband. Be that as it may, such a balance of power did not prevent them from achieving success. During the filming of the show, Natasha lost 72 kg, and her husband 75.

Although the couple left the show one step before the final, Ruslan became the winner of the home weigh-in. At the final, the couple was unrecognizable – slim, beautiful, having gotten rid of extra pounds, glowing with happiness and love.

Although they did not become winners, the couple still achieved their goal – a year after the project, they became parents of a wonderful girl.

The family’s life changed dramatically – instead of eating in front of the TV, they opened their own sports club. Ruslan helped people lose weight and developed a business, and Natasha devoted herself to her family and child.

The news of the Karpenko family’s divorce came unexpectedly. Their long-awaited child was only 4 months old when the couple decided to split up.

According to Ruslan, the reason for the separation was betrayal on Natasha’s part. The man was forced to leave for the village to look after his sick mother, and his wife refused to follow him, saying that there were no conditions for living with a child there.

Having left, Ruslan never returned to Natalia. But having been offended by one woman, he was not disappointed in the others and soon after the divorce he married again.

Natalia remained alone for a long time, devoting herself to her daughter. Her father also does not forget about the baby and constantly takes care of her, often taking her to his place.

Four years after the breakup of the family, Natalia told about her second pregnancy, although she kept the name of the child’s father a secret and, in general, does not talk about her personal life.

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