The Latest Math Brain Teaser: A Social Media Challenge

Math brain teasers have become a popular way to unwind on social media, offering a fun break from everyday stress. Recently, a seemingly simple yet intriguing math problem made waves on X (formerly Twitter), capturing the attention of puzzle enthusiasts everywhere. The catch? You must solve it using only mental calculations—no calculators, pens, or paper allowed.

The Challenge

Dr. Saba Osmaan shared this engaging brain teaser on X, challenging users with the question: “Can you solve this without a calculator?” The problem is straightforward: ‘2×1 + 6×6’. The real test, however, is to solve it in under 10 seconds to demonstrate your mental math skills. Ready? Your time starts now…

This teaser has amassed over 1,400 views since its posting, with many users embracing the challenge and sharing their solutions in the comments.

Responses from the Community

Here’s how some users tackled the problem:

  • One user confidently stated, “Using PEMDAS, 2 + 36 = 38.”
  • Another shared, “Yes, I can solve this without a calculator. 2×1 + 6×6 = 2 + 36 = 38.”
  • A third user commented, “According to BODMAS, the answer is 38.”
  • A fourth added, “You all are correct. Cheers!”

The consensus? The correct answer is 38.

Did You Crack the Code?

Were you able to solve this math teaser? What answer did you arrive at? Share your thoughts and see if your solution aligns with the community’s answer.

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