Christina Pimenova stood out from her early childhood with extraordinary looks. People often complimented Christina’s parents on their child’s beauty.

At the age of 4, Christina was already unafraid of the runway, feeling calm and confident during fashion shows. Pimenova remains, to this day, the youngest supermodel in the world.

Christina’s mother herself had been in the modeling business for a long time, knowing all the nuances and peculiarities of the profession.

Her daughter has to balance her shows and studies. However, her mother says it’s easier than it seems.

Christina attends school and then goes to training sessions for artistic gymnastics. Photo shoots happen only once a month. High-fashion shows take place twice a year.

The foreign media noticed the beautiful and talented girl. They began to express concern, fearing that the child might lose her childhood.

Some have begun to comment on Christina’s unique gaze. She doesn’t look childlike, as if she has already experienced something beyond her years.

Pimenova’s aristocratic demeanor sets her apart from her peers. Her mother responds that her daughter is well-mannered and knows how to behave in society.

Since the age of seven, the beautiful Russian girl has been representing well-known brands such as Dolce & Gabbana, Armani, and Benetton.

Christina received an invitation to work in America at the age of 10. The girl even managed to obtain a work visa.

It confirms that the child has a talent for some form of art. Instead of the girl signing the contract, her mother did so.

Not long ago, Christina Pimenova turned 17. She actively manages her Instagram and shares fresh photos with her followers.

Christina communicates with her followers in English. She already has a strong command of the language and speaks it fluently. The supermodel often shows herself without makeup, in her natural state.

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