By refusing to get rid of her facial hair, a 31-year-old Danish teacher is fearlessly defying social norms. Eldina Jaganjac, a teacher in Copenhagen, uses procedures like eyebrow tweezing and mustache waxing to show her dissatisfaction with society’s ongoing expectation—especially from men—that women conform to conventional beauty standards.

Eldina decided in March 2020 to stop shaving her mustache since she doesn’t think having facial hair takes away from her femininity. She is freed from self-consciousness about her appearance as a result of her decision to embrace her natural appearance. She talked about how guys frequently seemed surprised by her looks and implied that because of her unconventional appearance, she might as well have a “third head.” Eldina views the hair on her face as a filter that keeps her apart from those she would like not be around.

Eldina also discovers that those who respect her personality more than her physical looks are drawn to her because of her facial hair and monobrow, which frequently turn off more “conservative” prospective spouses.

“I thought women had limited choices in their appearance before I embraced my natural brow,” Eldina said, reflecting on her earlier experiences. She told Unilad that a man who decides not to shave gets very little attention because it’s considered normal.

She thought about her own strict self-control when it came to how she looked. “I used to skip going to the gym if I hadn’t shaved my legs, or not even leave the house if my eyebrows weren’t perfectly groomed,” she admitted.


Eldina puts her goals and obligations ahead of her looks these days. I no longer give as much thought to my appearance when working. I don’t care about meeting other people’s ideals of beauty, and it doesn’t stop me from pursuing my goals,’ she said.

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