A mesmerizing sight of a girl with wings is shown in this picture, posing a visual riddle that not everyone will be able to figure out in order to find her boyfriend.

Adding a unique twist, we not only present the problem later in the post, but we also reveal the solution, which increases the sense of mystery around its solution.

When we look more closely at the puzzle, we can make out the silhouette of a girl—possibly a fictitious character—who is flying above a lovely forest. This begs the question: Why is she alone herself in the middle of the forest?

Despite what would appear at first, the girl is not alone; a young man who is discreetly hidden inside the picture is traveling with her.

The trick is figuring out who this hidden boy is—the one who feels something for the girl.

Before discovering the right answer, which is given later in the piece, we encourage our readers to post their responses in the comments area.

The thrill comes from putting one’s observational abilities to the test and making an autonomous effort to solve the riddle.

The right response will be revealed eventually, as promised.

A keen eye would have picked up on the man who was hiding behind the girl. His shadow is artfully hidden behind the woman’s back and gently tucked away at her feet.

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