We all remember our childhood sweethearts, that first love we vowed to marry one day while we were still in single digits.

But for Matt Grodsky he wasn’t joking when at 3 years old he stood up in front of his preschool class and declared that one day he would marry his childhood sweetheart Laura Scheel.

When Matt and Laura met at their school in Phoenix, Arizona, it was love at first sight. From the very beginning, they did everything together, and to everyone who saw them, they were the cutest couple.

Matt and Laura have many fond memories of their time together as kids. Matt loved to recite movie lines and scenes from “The Lion King,” while Laura taught him how to draw and swing. They went on playdates to each other’s houses and enjoyed movies with their parents.

As toddlers, they had so much fun that they even started hanging out on weekends. Their parents thought it was just a phase, but Matt and Laura were determined to prove them wrong.

Matt recalled, “One of my very first memories is of being 3 years old and standing up in front of my preschool class, declaring that I would marry her someday,” he told PEOPLE.

When Matt declared he would marry Laura someday, his preschool classmates laughed, but Matt said, “Just you wait,” according to Today.

After preschool, Matt and Laura went to different elementary schools and only saw each other’s pictures on family Christmas cards.

In high school, they reconnected through a mutual friend and started dating again. But they had to part ways once more when they went to different colleges—Laura went to Northern Arizona University, and Matt went to Columbia College Chicago, which is over 1,600 miles away.

Despite the distance, they decided to make their long-distance relationship work. After a tough freshman year, they figured out a visiting schedule that worked for both of them.

Matt had big plans for his relationship with Laura. In their senior year of high school, he decided to take Laura back to the place where it all started: their preschool.

Matt asked Laura’s dad for his blessing and arranged for a family member to secretly capture the special moment. Then, he got down on one knee and proposed to Laura.

Laura was amazed and said, “I was like, ‘Oh my gosh, is this happening?’” She loved the ring and was so happy.

Matt’s brother brought out a picnic basket, just like the one their dad used when he proposed to their mom. The basket was filled with bridal magazines and sparkling cider. After the proposal, Matt and Laura had a private moment to celebrate.

On December 30, 2016, Matt and Laura got married.

Grodsky’s uncle, who performed the wedding ceremony, said, “For most kids in preschool, it’s about finding your snacks and your sleeping mats, but for them it was about finding their soulmates.”

This heartwarming story shows what TRUE love looks like and reminds us that it still exists!

Not many couples have pictures of themselves together when they were toddlers; these two are very cute.

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