What a head of hair!😍 😂 😁

Thanks to modern technologies, the first 3D photo of her baby, the expectant mother receives while still pregnant. However, specialists have not yet learned to determine the color of the baby’s eyes and hair in advance.

That’s why little Bence’s parents, as well as the doctors who delivered him, were very surprised to see a not quite ordinary baby. The boy’s hair was very thick and completely gray!

The baby was born in the Hungarian city of Székesfehérvár, his birth weight was almost 5 kg and he turned out to be completely healthy.

Doctors conducted a full examination of the boy and completely ruled out such a genetic disease as albinism.

They then suggested that the boy’s mother, who is having her third child, had been stressed or overly nervous during her pregnancy. The woman confirmed neither suggestion.

Doctors believe that white hair in newborns is already genetically determined. Sometimes the cause of this phenomenon is a deficiency of vitamin B12 or a mutation of hair cells.

The blond baby has already become a local celebrity and the medical staff at the clinic where he was born have nicknamed him “Prince Charming”.

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