Grainne Seoige pictured at the second annual Women of the Year Awards at the Royal Marine Hotel , Dunlaoghaire, Dublin. The awards celebrated women across multiple genres -including business, the arts, social justice and sports. Picture: Brian McEvoy No Repro fee for one use

Grainne Seoige is set to make a major career move into politics.

According to the Irish Daily Mail, the popular presenter has been canvassing the Fianna Fáil delegates of the Galway West constituency in the hope of being selected to run for the party in the next general election.

In order to represent a party, a candidate must be selected by members to get on the party ticket.

Grainne Seoige pictured at The Gossies 2024 | Brian McEvoy

A Fianna Fáil member of the Galway West told the newspaper: “She was incredibly well received by the delegates of Galway West.”

“If they’d had better notice she was coming they would have rolled out the red carpet for her. She’ll be on the ticket alright and she’ll be elected to the Dáil.”

Its understood Gráinne has already won favour with senior Fianna Fáil administrators, and is considered the perfect replacement for TD Éamon O Cuiv, who recently announced his retirement.

“It will be a formidable ticket and Gráinne will be a hugely welcome replacement for Éamon,” said a Fianna Fáil Galway West member.

“She would pick up votes in the rural areas of Connemara and other parts while John Connolly is strong in the city.”

Gráinne is a proud Galwegian, and hails from Spiddal.

The Gaeilgeoir moved back to Ireland in 2021, after spending five years living in South Africa with her husband Leon Jordaan, where they set up their diamond business Grace Diamonds.

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