The impact a haircut can have, especially for a dog, is genuinely remarkable. Numerous stray and overlooked dogs endure without grooming, leading to distress as their fur becomes tangled and matted.
In a heartwarming story, a dog groomer encountered a severely neglected stray dog and went above and beyond to assist him, resulting in an incredible transformation.
A compassionate individual in Florida rescued a stray dog moments before it could be hit by a car. The dog was in a shocking condition, with thick, matted, and flea-infested fur.
The woman shared photos of the distressed dog online, catching the attention of Kari Falla, the owner of BGE Grooming. The dog’s condition was so dire that there were concerns about his survival. Falla mentioned, “The pictures… they would’ve euthanized him,” expressing the severity of the situation to News 6.

Driven by compassion, Falla went the extra mile to help the matted stray by opening her dog grooming business after regular hours to provide the dog with a much-needed makeover.

Taking the dog in at midnight, she, along with her husband and daughter, dedicated the early hours of the morning to an emergency grooming session. The task was far from easy.

Describing the challenging ordeal on Facebook, Falla shared, “Pictures don’t even come close to showing how bad these mats were. They were soaking wet, infested with fleas, full of yeast infection, and attached like a mummified cast. The smell was horrendous.”

EzoicDespite the difficulties, by 3 am, the dog was finally liberated from the thick, disgustingly matted fur — and the transformation was truly astonishing.

Expressing her thoughts, Falla wrote, “We can only imagine the amount of relief this baby is feeling after being relieved of all these painful mats!”

While Falla and her family had previously offered free services to rescue and shelter dogs, this particular case held special significance for them. “We believe in paying it forward. Sharing a little bit of kindness goes a long way. And in this case, it saved a life,” she shared with News 6.

Following the removal of the fur, the dog, now named Lucky, underwent a thorough examination by a veterinarian. It was discovered that he was both deaf and blind, a result of the severe matting that had pressed into his eyelids, necessitating surgery.

As the story gained widespread attention, Falla started receiving calls from individuals eager to provide Lucky with a loving home. Before long, the sweet dog found a new family through adoption.

Lucky is now assuredly free from the heartbreaking neglect and challenging conditions he endured, and he’s set to enjoy free grooming sessions for the rest of his life—a generous gift from Falla and her family.

Falla expressed, “It was a no-brainer that we would honor free grooming for Lucky for the rest of his life so he never has to go through that again, and humanity doesn’t have to fail him,” as she shared with News 6.


It’s always heartwarming to read about people helping dogs in need, and this story is truly incredible. What an amazing transformation, we’re so glad Lucky is free from all that matted fur and has a loving new home!

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