Olive acquired a nice job when her son Chris went to college. She was thrilled to assist him in all his needs. “Chris, don’t worry about anything,” Olive said Chris at the train station before he left for New York. Pay as much as I can. Need anything? Call me.”

Olive suffered financially throughout Chris’s life. She reared him alone and studied at night to improve things. Olive could never afford food and shelter like Chris. Olive felt bad for not giving him more than secondhand goods.

She still loved him and tried hard to provide him the greatest future. After seven years of video conversations, Chris went home and was horrified by what had happened.

Olive was happy to finally make enough money to support Chris. “Thank you, Mom,” Chris hugged her before boarding the New York train.

After years, Chris visited his mom. He knocked on his childhood house but got no response. He looked through the window, confused, and was astonished. The house was unoccupied.


I invite Mrs. Franklin to visit! My size has grown!” Rosalie, Chris’s fiancée, excitedly showed off her baby bulge in a video call. Olive smiled through the screen, but she was worried.

“Mom, I wanted to ask you something,” Chris nervously scratched his head. “I was wondering if you could help us with a house since Rosalie and I are graduating and having a baby. We located one in New Jersey. Although we can’t afford it, the city is magnificent and reminds me of home.”

Olive contemplated her kid. “I don’t know,” she hesitated, contemplating her money and years of hard work. She planned her retirement ultimately.

Chris begged, “Please, Mom,” detailing the house’s price and down payment. Rosalie had no family to aid them, he added.

Olive sighed after a while. “Ok, Chris. I believe we can work together.” She knew it would require spending all her funds and living even more sparingly, but it was conceivable.

Chris’s face shone. “Thank you! Thank you, Mom! He nearly wept, “I don’t know what I’d do without you.” Olive smiled back, knowing her efforts were worthwhile.


“I wish you guys could come this Christmas,” Olive stated in front of her computer, as she had many times. Chris had left home seven years before and hadn’t returned to Maryland. Their only communication was video calls. Olive was heartbroken by her granddaughter’s absence. However, everyone was busy, and she felt lonely every year.

Olive was working harder than ever to support Chris financially. After helping him start a business, she almost spent her savings again. Although Olive never asked Chris for anything, she wished they would visit her since she couldn’t go.

We can’t, Mom. In another video call, Chris apologised and stated, “Not this year.” You sent Mallory gifts, so thank you. Loves them. You’re a great grandmother.”

Put her on screen? Olive inquired gently. She smiled at her granddaughter but wanted to embrace her so much.


Chris finally planned a surprise visit, which Olive didn’t know. Despite being eager to see his mother after so long, he couldn’t afford Rosalie and Mallory’s plane tickets.

Chris grimaced as his taxi approached the house. The house was pitch-black at 9 p.m. He exited after telling the driver to wait. Something was off. The welcome mat, porch furniture, plants his mother had always cared for, and garden were overrun. He headed approaching the door with a heavy heart.

After knocking again, Chris got no response. His window view revealed that everything inside was gone. Mom move? Why didn’t she tell me? he wondered, his chest tightening.

“Chris? Is that you? asked a familiar voice.

He turned to see Mrs. Torres, the old neighbor he had always known. Mrs. Torres! Hello, he said.

Kid, what are you doing here? Surprised, she asked.

I’m visiting Mom. Do you know her location? Chris frowned and asked, becoming increasingly confused.

“Oh, dear. Two years ago, your mother left. The new owners came in a few weeks after she sold the house. I don’t know who’s moving in next,” Mrs. Torres remarked, frowning.

“She never told me,” Chris lamented. “Where did she go?”

“I have her new address. Mrs. Torres invited him inside her home. She gave Chris an address sheet after a few minutes.

Chris grimaced as he read it. The address was in a rundown neighborhood. “Do you know why she moved to that area?” he asked Mrs. Torres, nervous.

“No, honey. But I know she has a roommate now,” Mrs. Torres shrugged, confusing Chris further.

Feeling nervous, Chris returned to the taxi and gave the driver the new address. The car drove up to a rundown apartment complex on a dim street. The building appeared abandoned with flaking paint. Chris ran inside, spotting no security, and easily reached the flat.

Olive was stunned when she opened the door. “Chris? Why are you here?

“Mom! What’s happening? What made you sell the house? Chris asked, confused and concerned.

Olive groaned and invited her son into the crowded living room. She explained after sitting down.

I helped you and Rosalie with my funds when you first asked for house money. I didn’t have any money saved when you asked for your business. So I sold the house and gave you most of the profit,” Olive said, her voice calm but sad.

Chris was amazed. He was clueless. The news that his mother had sold her home to aid him hit him hard. Mom, why didn’t you tell me? I would never have accepted that money if I knew. I feel terrible… My carelessness,” he said, his voice breaking with guilt.

Olive said, “But, sweetheart, I just wanted you to succeed,” tenderly. “I wanted to make up for not giving you much when you were younger. I wanted to eliminate your struggle…”

Chris shook his head, heart heavy. You didn’t fail me, mom. You gave me everything important. I regret not seeing that sooner, he remarked.

Chris added, “Mom, you gave me everything I ever needed,” quivering with emotion. “I asked for help because I thought you could afford it. I shouldn’t ask. So sorry. I’m sorry for not visiting, not checking on you, and allowing you live here with a roommate at your age. So sorry.” Frustrated tears fell from his eyes.

Olive cried and hugged her son. Both emotional, they clutched each other. Chris promised many times that night to never let her struggle again. After calling Rosalie, he explained everything. They decided to bring Olive closer.

Fortunately, Olive got a new job in New Jersey fast, and they constructed her an in-law suite within months. Olive became close to her family and enjoyed every time with her granddaughter Mallory.

Chris worked hard to repay his mother every dime she gave him for the property and his successful business. They were comfortable, and Chris never let his mother sacrifice for him again. Olive never missed another wonderful moment of her granddaughter’s existence, and Chris made sure she was always cared for.