Rather than experiencing sadness upon learning of my wife’s infidelity, I saw an opportunity. I had no idea that my scheme to profit from her adultery would put me in a moral bind and make me face the real price of liberty

Claire was cheating on me, and I knew it. With all the cryptic phone calls, unexpected work travels, and late-night texts, it wasn’t difficult to figure out. I didn’t approach her, though. Hell, after learning the truth, I had no feelings at all for her. We had been married for so long that I had lost all emotional interest in him.

The issue was that I was afraid getting divorced because I thought it would destroy my finances. Her large income was what kept things afloat for me. Everything was covered by her, including food, insurance, and our flat. I decided to just grit my teeth and act like nothing was wrong.

I discovered this crumpled credit card receipt from a posh restaurant in her pants pocket one day while washing laundry. The name that appears on it? Alex M—. Everything was made obvious at last. I was acquainted with the man. I had seen him a few times at her father’s birthday celebrations; he was her father’s buddy. Alex was someone I knew from those parties. Wealthy man with a kind demeanor, who always gazes at Claire as though she were the moon. I assumed he was simply being friendly back then. Right now?

I chuckled. It was not a joyful chuckle. More akin to a chuckle you could hear at a mental health facility.

I was unable to sleep that evening. I couldn’t stop thinking about Alex and Claire, our unexpected financial windfall, and the beautiful automobile I received for my birthday. Now everything is made clear. I didn’t start looking through Claire’s old phone until after she left for “work” the next morning. Her password had always been handled carelessly by her. 4673. Our jubilee. Seems ironic, doesn’t it?

What I discovered turned my stomach. Love and kisses in old texts to Alex. raving in messages to her pals about how wonderful he was. However, there was also another thing. Something unexpected.

One of her messages to her pal said, “I still love Tom.” However, we required the funds. Alex is nothing more than a tool. Is that awful? Her buddy answered right away, saying, “Girl, you gotta do what you gotta do.” However, exercise caution. This can backfire on you.

I laughed heartily. If only she were aware. As I continued to browse, I came across texts between Claire and Alex. It was evident as day that Claire was playing tricks on Alex and that he was infatuated with her.

“Alex, I wish you would leave him,” said the message. “Together, we could be so happy.” Claire gave a vague response. You’re aware of its complexity, Alex. Just take pleasure in what we have. I hung up the phone, my thoughts racing. A concept was beginning to take shape, wacky and all instantly. How about I take advantage of this?

I picked up the phone a week later. I was listening to the ring with my heart thumping. “Hey?” Alex had a confident, strong voice.

I inhaled deeply. “Alex? This is Claire’s spouse, Tom. There was an unbearable quiet on the other end. I could just hear his head’s gears working. At last, he said something. “Tom.” How may I assist you?

I get right to the point. “I am aware of you and Claire. You are paying our bills, I know that. I’m ready to give up, get a divorce, and give her to you. However, I require something from you.

“And what’s that?” He now spoke in a reserved tone. $50,000. to begin anew.”

One more extended silence. His respiration was audible to me. “Why would I give you money?” he eventually questioned.

I let out a brief, sour laugh. “Because she will ultimately be yours if I leave her and shatter her heart. All I need is a new beginning. Consider it an investment in your happiness for the future.

Would you do that? Simply move on? He sounded astonished.

I left this marriage a long time ago, Alex, my man. All I want is a route out that doesn’t cost me the earth. He was so silent that I believed he had hung up. “I’ll think about it,” then.

I told him not to think for too long. “Promotion ends in 48 hours.” Before he could answer, I hung up. I set the phone down with trembling hands. I had completed it. I had no choice but to wait now.

My life’s longest two days were the ones that followed. Every time my phone rang, I startled, thinking it was Alex. But it was someone else every time. An unsolicited call. a message from my mother. Never, Alex.

Claire sensed a problem. “You alright, honey?” she said throughout the meal. “You appear to be preoccupied.” I feigned a laugh. Just get things done. There is nothing to be concerned about.She grabbed my hand from across the table. Though reassuring at the time, the gesture made my skin crawl. I withdrew, acting as though I had to fill my water glass again.

As the 48-hour period drew near, I became anxious. What if Alex exposed my deception? And suppose he did tell Claire? How about if…?

There was a buzz on my phone. An unknown figure. “Hey?” My reply was hardly audible above a whisper.

It’s done, Alex declared. “Verify your account.” With trembling fingers, I reached for my laptop and logged into my bank account. There it was, exactly $50,000. In that very moment.

With a raspy voice, I said, “Thank you.” “Just, please, look after her.” I continued, in effect begging.

I was too cowardly to tell him the truth. Claire was abusing him in the same way that she had abused me. Rather, I just said, “Alex, good bye,” and hung up.

I sat there looking at the computer screen for a very long time. $50,000. My pass to be free. My opportunity to start over.

Claire’s automobile was heard pulling into the driveway. Now was the moment.

When she entered, I was seated on the couch with a folder containing divorce documents on the coffee table in front of me.

“Tom?” She said in an unsure tone. “What’s happening?”

For the first time in months, I truly gazed up at her. Of course, she was gorgeous. But I felt nothing at all.

“Claire, it’s over,” I remarked in a firm voice. “I am aware of Alex.”

Her countenance turned pale. “I can explain, Tom,”

I extended a hand. “Don’t waste your time. I want no justifications. My desire is for a divorce.

She got up, took a few steps away, and collapsed into the armchair opposite from me, as if her legs could no longer support her. However… However, what about financial matters? The apartment? Our existence?”

I smiled, and it was a real smile for the first time in a long time. “I’m not a concern for you. I’ll be all right.

I felt lighter than I have in years as I left that apartment for the last time, carrying a duffel bag over my shoulder. Behind me, Claire was inconsolable, pleading with me to remain and discuss it. However, I had had enough.

That evening, I stayed at a poor hotel, looking at the water-stained ceiling while laying on the rough bed. My phone was beeping nonstop. Claire. Alex. Claire once more. I disregarded each one of them.

I would begin my search for a new location to reside in the morning. a new position. a fresh start. For now, though, I merely laid there, feeling as though the years’ worth of weight were gradually slipping off my chest.

I was about to fall asleep when my phone rang again. I checked it against my better judgment.

It was Claire, saying, “I apologize. I genuinely did adore you.

I took a long time to read the message before responding, “I know. But love is insufficient sometimes. After pressing send, I shut down my phone. I was excited about tomorrow’s new day for the first time in a long time.

How would you have responded in the situation? Here’s another story of a guy who had his wife repay him for all she had “cost” him while they were together, in case you liked this one.

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