Is there a creepier feeling than thinking someone is watching you? It is totally uncomfortable when you sit in a restaurant or maybe your car and look up to see eyeballs glued to your every move. That may be awful, but the feeling of being watched by a camera might be even worse.

Yes, we agree surveillance in some places is necessary, but we’re talking about prominent places, such as the bank, gas station, and the self-checkout lane. Can you imagine checking into an Airbnb and finding a camera? Nope, we can’t either. That is what happened to a woman on TikTok and her friend while they were on vacation in Miami, and the whole thing has us totally creeped out.

A couple of young women suddenly felt uneasy in their Airbnb.

TikToker Katelyn, who posts on the app as @katelyn_boss19, was staying with a friend at an Airbnb in Miami when they noticed something strange. There appeared to be what they believed was a camera in one of the lights. The young women called 911 for help, not wanting to take any chances.

A couple of police officers showed up to help, but Katelyn explained in a follow-up video that they couldn’t agree on whether it was a camera. The officers checked over the entire place and couldn’t find anything else that would harm the women.

But Katelyn and her roommate still felt unsafe, so they devised a plan.

“So what we’re gonna be doing is we’re gonna call the Airbnb and be like, ‘Hey, we’re here for a certain amount of time. It’s super dark in the Airbnb, like can someone come, the light bulb in this, like the light container, I don’t even know what you call it, and watch them and then be like, ‘Hey, like what is that?'” she explained.

Katelyn and her roommate decided to stay until they could determine if they were being watched.

But then, they left.

Katelyn explained in another follow-up that she and her roommate eventually decided to leave the Airbnb for a new place because, besides the suspicious lights, the room itself was nothing like she thought it would be. She said it was dirty and gross, and someone told her that the building was allegedly supposed to be torn down.

“This was just not a safe experience,” she shared.

Airbnb found them a new place to stay and gave them a full refund. The women were happy, but TikTokers had questions.

People on TikTok had mixed feelings about the whole situation.

First, some people thought calling 911 was extreme.

“Ok 911 for a camera ? Leave do not waste 911 time,” one comment reads.

“literally change place or try to cover it up with some clothes,” another person wrote.

But Katelyn quickly clapped back.

“Well, when we don’t feel safe, and they’ve been filming us changing, that is something to take seriously,” she wrote.

Other people thought it was just part of the light.

“That’s just the empty socket for the light bulb?!” someone wrote.

“isnt that like the bottom of the lightbulb? you know when you dont have that glass thing, that is the part you put the bulb into,” another person suggested.

Others think Katelyn did the right thing by calling the police.

She and her roommate were uncomfortable and wanted help. Plenty of people agreed with her.

“I’m from the uk and I’m pretty sure you’re meant to call the police if there’s a hidden camera,” one commenter pointed out.

“all the people saying you shouldn’t have called 911- you could’ve been in serious danger if they had been watching you find it…911 call warranted👏🏻,” someone else agreed.

And then there were all of the people begging for an update. Sadly, there isn’t really one.

Yes, Katelyn got a new Airbnb, but we still need more info. Was someone watching? Did they remove the host from the site? Has anyone else visited this place and had problems? Trust us, we could go on.

She simply said that the company closed the case, but it was never determined whether there was actually a camera. Nope, we’re not satisfied either. If you hear anything, please let us know. We’re dying to find out.

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