All’s well if it ends well is the case for Kelly Beasley from the United States of America. The 50-year-old woman and blogger is quite proud of her appearance. So, when age started showing up on her face in, she decided to invest in a facelift worth $14,000. However, to fund the cosmetic procedure, Kelly sold her house.

Kelly has been receiving Botox, and other kinds of fillers, for the last one and a half decades. She had started in her late 20s. The Lake Tahoe resident looked around on the internet and decided to get a neck lift, lip lift, and facelift and transfer some of the fat from her thigh to her face. Unfortunately, the procedure in the United States would cost somewhere between $50,000 and $60,000, which was way beyond her budget.

Kelly Beasley, as she looks now.
Image Credits: Kelly Beasley | SWNS

That’s when she stumbled upon a TikTok video where a woman discussed plastic surgery in Mexico. The poster discussed her experience with having the surgery in Tijuana. At first, Kelly was uncertain, but she still looked into the organization. She found EOC Plastic’s Facebook group, the organizer of the Tijuana surgeries. There, she went through what other women had to say about the place.

A Much More Cost-Effective Facelift Option

Satisfied with the reviews and comments, Kelly emailed them, showing her appearance and what she wanted. She then received an approximate quotation of $14,000. She signed up her name for a spot on the cancellation list. Now, she had already decided to sell her Marana house in Arizona even before her decision to get the facelift in Tijuana. Coincidentally, the proceeds from selling her three-bedroom house acted as a comfortable “cushion” for the surgery and travel expenses.

In January 2023, the organizers notified her that a slot had opened up for reservation. However, she still did not feel prepared. Nevertheless, when the opportunity presented itself again in the following month, she decided to proceed. She explains: “It was on February 14 – Happy Valentine’s to me.” On February 13th, she arrived in Mexico. The next day she went through the surgery that lasted 4 hours.

Kelly, one day after her facelift surgery.
Image Credits: Kelly Beasley | SWNS

According to Kelly, the facelift surgery did not have any complications. She said: “I woke up with my head wrapped in a giant crazy bandage. I started taking pictures immediately. There was zero pain. The only pain I ever had was discomfort. I wore a face bra for two weeks. It was like six days of vacation. It was just easy.” She had spent the following 6 days in a Tijuana hotel. Then she drove all the way back to her home.

The Aftermath Of The Surgery

Even if there were no medical complications, Kelly had to struggle a bit with some mental realizations after the facelift. She explained: “After about a week-and-a-half I had a minor “oh crap” moment. Your brain is having a hard time adjusting to your face. I would look different from mirror to mirror. Now I absolutely love it. I’m having fun putting on make-up again. Before I hadn’t been liking putting make-up on. My eyes were heavy and putting on eyeliner wouldn’t look right.

Kelly before her facelift (Left) compared to Kelly after her facelift (Right).
Image Credits: Kelly Beasley | SWNS

Kelly always did like looking nice. The surgery successfully assuaged her worries about her face being so age-worn that not even artificial facelifts could help. As a bonus, the results are more than what she expected since she did not undergo the procedure to look young. However, people are marveling at how she looks like she is at least two decades younger! In fact, Kelly says that her present look is better than what she looked like when she was actually 30.

Kelly wants to use her facelift experience to dissuade the shame around it. She explains: “Plastic surgery is shamed. If we do too much – we’re vain or insecure. If you don’t do anything, wear make-up or do your hair, they say “you’ve let yourself go.” It’s exhausting. I’m going to do what I want to do. Why not live the most fabulous life? Part of that for me is having plastic surgery.” At present, she lives from her van full-time in Lake Tahoe.

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