For more than 30 years they have been going through life together, raising two beautiful sons. Tom Hanks shared the secret to his long-lasting marriage with Rita Wilson

Hollywood actor Tom Hanks is rightfully considered the epitome of a “good guy.” Whatever role he appears on screen in, be it a soldier or a child in an adult body, a successful lawyer or a historian with a penchant for adventure, the film is guaranteed audience success and positive reviews from critics. The artist has long settled on the cinematic Olympus, but remains the same modest and friendly person as he was when he took his first step on the professional acting path. But Hanks played the main role in his life when he met actress Rita Wilson. For more than 30 years they have been going through life together, raising two beautiful sons.

Nomadic childhood

The childhood years of the life of Hollywood star Tom Hanks were not happy and cloudless. “My own parents can hardly be called exemplary. I was the third child in the family, there were four of us in total, and my mother and father divorced when I was five years old. The children were divided, I stayed with my father, he worked as a cook. Then he and my mother married seven more times in total, and as a result, by the age of 16, I had three mothers, four fathers, five schools and ten houses, which changed every now and then. So I received almost no upbringing, so in my youth I made a vow to myself that everything would be different for me,” the artist admitted in one of his interviews.

Family Life Draft

Hanks learned the basics of acting at the University of California. Here he met future actress Samantha Lewis. When his chosen one gave birth to a son, Colin, Tom decided to become an exemplary father. Hanks proposed to Samantha and they got married. Three years later, the couple had a daughter, Elizabeth. Tom worked hard, agreeing to any proposals to ensure a comfortable existence for the family. But in response he received only reproaches. Samantha was unhappy that the children were growing up without a father. Constant strife gradually alienated the spouses from each other, they were on the verge of divorce.

Big Greek wedding

At the casting for the film Volunteers, Tom Hanks met Rita Wilson. At that time, the artist considered himself a simple dude with a not very attractive appearance and an unsuccessful career. And Rita was a spectacular beauty. And yet mutual love captured them completely. “Whatever the love for him was, a feeling or a physical process occurring at the cellular level, it, like a wave, absorbed me, penetrated me through and through,” the actress later recalled. The beginning of this lifelong romance was not easy. Being happily married is no easier than being in a movie. Rita had to leave her fiancé for the sake of her lover, who was married at the time. She waited three years for Tom to decide to leave the family. And at that time he was not a dazzling Hollywood star, but starred mainly in episodes.

But Hanks managed to find the main words that won the heart of his beloved woman forever. “You will never have to change anything about yourself in order to be with me,” he promised and kept his promise. But the artist himself had to make drastic changes for the sake of his life partner. Rita has Greek roots and professes the Orthodox faith. And Tom, being a Catholic, changed his religion to become closer to his wife’s family. It was among his Greek relatives, with their noisy gatherings and ability to enjoy the simple pleasures of life, that Hanks first understood the value of genuine family relationships.

Living life is not a field to cross

There are no human destinies that consist only of sunny days. Several years ago, rumors spread in the press that Rita and Tom were on the verge of divorce. True, the most that tabloid journalists were able to find out was that the couple lived apart for a month. On one of the popular shows, Tom admitted: “My wife and I only quarrel over who loves whom more.” But Hollywood celestials also suffer from life’s troubles, get sick and worry about their children.

Tom Hanks’ son has chosen a career as a rapper. It cannot be said that the artist was pleased with Chester’s drunken brawls and arrests. Moreover, the peak of the guy’s unsightly antics occurred during the period when his mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. “You never know how your partner will react in such a situation. I drowned in the care with which my husband surrounded me… Who knew that this could bring us closer together?” – the actress said in an interview with the New York Times. And the couple together were able to defeat the disease without resorting to chemotherapy. Fans of Tom and Rita hope that they will continue to live on their ranch in Idaho, work in films and raise their grandchildren. By the way, the eldest son Colin has already given two granddaughters to this wonderful couple. “I believe in angels. I’m even married to an angel. I know that angels do not have wings, but they are very sweet creatures and try to make our lives happier. I love angels, and there are many of them around me,” Tom Hanks continues to say.

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