Many women decide to undergo plastic surgery in order to maintain their attractiveness. Modern society has long been accustomed to this. But now it has become popular among men. Wanting to be as popular as possible with women, the stronger sex also resorts to various plastic procedures.

Today we will talk about the famous 47-year-old stylist from Croatia Neven Ciganovic. He has been using plastic surgery services for half his life. When he was 22, the man noticed that his skin was subject to age-related changes. Therefore, since then, he began to devote more time to his appearance. To preserve his youth, he decided to have plastic surgery.

Once was not enough for him. Plastic surgery became his drug. To look stunning, he had rhinoplasty three times, corrected his lips, chin, and stomach. He has implants in his cheeks. He also gave himself beauty injections. In total, he resorted to 15 operations.


Neven also has a weakness for tattoos. He has several dozen different tattoos on his body. The stylist also regularly visits the gym. It is known that as a child, Neven suffered from excess weight and was always afraid of gaining even more weight. Therefore, he overloaded his body with physical exercise and various diets, which led to bulimia.


With his striving for perfection, Siganovich even interested the staff of the popular British reality show “Plastic and Pride”. He became its participant. The essence of the show is the satisfaction/dissatisfaction of the heroes with changes in appearance. The man said that he is very pleased with the result, and is not going to stop there.

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