At 34 years old, Jana Duggar has been the oldest Duggar kid to remain unmarried (and childfree) for many years running. But now, there’s been a major shift in the way that people assumed Jana was living her life all this time. In a new YouTube vlog, not only did she confirm that she’s moved off of the Duggar compound, but she also gave a full tour of her new digs — all while wearing a short skirt that Jim Bob and Michelle probably wouldn’t approve of. She’s doing things her own way now!

Jana shared the major life update in a new YouTube video.

There’s been a lot of speculation about where Jana lives these days — as far as fans knew, Jim Bob and Michelle’s daughters were to live under their roof (and under their dad’s “jurisdiction”) until they were married.

But in the video, she revealed that not only is she not in their house, but she’s even off of their property.

Jana Duggar

Jana Duggar

Jana Duggar/YouTube

Jana fully renovated the space.

“This building used to be one of the city’s temporary office buildings [and] so we got a really good deal on it. They were auctioning it off,” she said.

It’s not surprising at all to hear that Jana transformed the space (with plenty of help from her siblings, no doubt) given that she’s always had a passion for DIY projects and interior design.

Surprisingly enough, she’s lived there for years.

Considering how involved Jana still is with her younger siblings and her family’s lives, fans assumed that her move had happened far more recently, but according to Jana, this isn’t a new change.

“I moved in here a few years ago, and over time, I’ve just worked on this place, making it a little bit my own,” she said.

Way to go, Jana!

Her life looks very different from her sisters’.

At this point, all of her adult sisters have long been married and have been busy having children and carving out their own lives, so it makes sense Jana would want to be doing the same — even if it looks a little different than theirs.

Recently, Jana has been sharing more and more about what her life is like after returning to social media following more than two years of radio silence. It’s good to see her doing well!

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