In a recent interview, renowned actress Jane Fonda, now 84 years old, shared her thoughts about her own mortality. She expressed that she doesn’t believe she has much time left, but she isn’t afraid of death. Fonda has been a prominent figure in the entertainment world for most of her life.

Fonda wants to use her remaining time to emphasize the importance of celebrities using their influence to advocate for significant causes. The actress, known for her extensive career and activism, candidly acknowledged that her time will come “sooner rather than later.”


Actress Fonda shared with Entertainment Tonight that she is facing a limited amount of time due to her Non-Hodgkin lymphoma diagnosis, which was made public in September. She expressed her awareness of the time that has passed, as well as the limited time remaining, given her age and health condition.

Fonda has been open about her battle with cancer, disclosing that she will undergo chemotherapy as part of her treatment. The actress continues to speak honestly about her experience and the challenges she faces during this difficult time.

“So, my dear friends, I have something personal I want to share,” she wrote on Instagram at the time. “I’ve been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and have started chemo treatments.


“This is a very treatable cancer. 80% of people survive, so I feel very lucky.

“I’m also lucky because I have health insurance and access to the best doctors and treatments. I realise, and it’s painful, that I am privileged in this. Almost every family in America has had to deal with cancer at one time or another and far too many don’t have access to the quality health care I am receiving and this is not right.”

“I’m ready,” she told ET! “I’ve had a great life.

“Not that I want to go, but I’m aware that it’s going to be sooner rather than later.”

Jane Fonda, in her later years, emphasized to ET! the significance of influential individuals using their platforms for positive change. At 84, Fonda highlights the necessity of discussing not only cures but also the causes of problems, with the aim of eliminating them.


Fonda points out that people should be aware that cancer can be caused by fossil fuels and pesticides, many of which are derived from fossil fuels. Despite her age, she remains committed to climate activism and will not let anything hinder her efforts in this area.

“Cancer is a teacher and I’m paying attention to the lessons it holds for me. One thing it’s shown me already is the importance of community. Of growing and deepening one’s community so that we are not alone. And the cancer, along with my age – almost 85 – definitely teaches the importance of adapting to new realities.”

Jane Fonda, the daughter of renowned actor Henry Fonda, has led a life filled with recognition and admiration, earning various accolades and becoming an inspiration to many people worldwide.

In the past, Fonda has battled cancer on multiple occasions. In 2010, she had a lumpectomy to address breast cancer, and in 2019, she disclosed that she had a cancerous growth removed from her lower lip the year prior. We extend our heartfelt support and well-wishes to Jane Fonda during this challenging time, hoping she can triumph over this latest hurdle.

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