In a Nebraska court trial, the prosecutor brought an elderly grandmother as their first witness. He asked her, “Mrs. Williams, do you know who I am?” She replied, “Of course, I know who you are, Mr. Rawley. I’ve known you since you were a boy, and you’re a disappointment. You lie, cheat on your spouse, manipulate others, and speak behind their backs. You think you’re a big deal, but if you had half a brain, you’d see you’ll never be more than a mediocre pencil-pusher.

I know who you are, all right.” The prosecutor’s mouth dropped to the floor. He pointed across the room to deflect attention and inquired, “Mrs. Williams…” “Do you know who the defense attorney is?” She said, “Of course I do.” I have known Mr. Carbuncle since he was a child. He’s a lazy bigot who struggles with alcoholism. He cannot establish regular relationships with anyone and is one of the county’s worst lawyers.

Additionally, he cheated on his wife with three different women, one of them was your wife. “Yes, I know who he is.” The defense counsel appeared to be about to have a stroke. The judge directed the prosecutor and defense attorney to approach, whispering to them in a low but agitated voice, “If any of you brats ask her if she knows who I am, then I’ll put both of you behind bars for life!”

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