There’s an adorable elderly goat, named Joshua, who lives at Taylor’s Pumpkin Patch, the business Heidi Taylor’s family owns. The goat loves attention and socializing with people, yet one day, he suddenly disappeared.

The woman posted on Facebook, asking people for help finding the family’s goat. Then she took another collar, a leash, a bag of Joshua’s favorite food, cheese puffs, and went for a search, but what she found was a huge surprise.

Joshua had somehow managed to join the T’Railway Trek Half Marathon in Conception Bay South, Canada, and quickly became the star of the show.

More info: Taylor’s Pumpkin Patch

Joshua the goat had broken free of his collar to join over 25o racers at the T’Railway Trek Half Marathon in Conception Bay South, Canada

Image credits: Town of Conception Bay South

Image credits: Town of Conception Bay South

Image credits: Town of Conception Bay South

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Image credits: Town of Conception Bay South

Joshua is a 10-year-old goat. Taylor’s family bought him back in 2014 from a farm in Green’s Harbour in Newfoundland and Labrador, and over many years, the goat has become the face of the family’s business, Taylor’s Pumpkin Patch, where some people visit just to see him.

At first, the family had no idea how and to where their beloved goat had disappeared, but then the runners started to post pictures on social media and that’s how the owners found out where Joshua was. 

“So we live right by the trail and this is where the runners came by approximately at 9am Sunday morning,” Jeremy Taylor, one of the goat’s owners, recalled the memories. “We didn’t realize, but when the large group of 250 runners went by, Joshua decided to break his collar and join the runners as they passed by Taylor’s Pumpkin Patch.”

Heidi Taylor mentioned that she often goes on walks and Joshua likes to follow her. Therefore, the woman believes that, when the goat saw so many people moving in one direction, he probably thought it was just time for his casual walk.

The goat ran along with the runners for almost 4 kilometers, despite his old age and leg injury, before his owners caught up with him. Joshua was an excellent motivator for everyone to keep going and at one point he was even leading the group.

“He was the highlight of my day,” Sherry Fitzpatrick shared. “We were at the Minerals Road Water Station and he was very excited to be running with all his friends. So friendly, too. What an amazing way to end Joshua’s day. He is a celebrity now.”

After finally catching the escapee, the goat’s owners decided to walk the last half-kilometer with him to get Joshua over the finish line.

“We very quickly put a medal around his neck and he became quite the star. Most people who actually ran the half marathon wanted their picture with Joshua at the finish line,” Mayor Darrin Bent said about the unexpected four-legged contestant who joined the race.

Joshua quickly became a highlight of the race, with photos being shared hundreds of times not only in the local news but also spreading worldwide.

“Thank you to the runners who kept him close,” the family later wrote on their social media. “We took Joshua to the end of the race, where he received a medal along with all his racing buddies. It was an eventful morning that gave everyone a great chuckle!”

The goat was an unexpected motivator to keep running and definitely cheered everyone up

Image credits: Town of Conception Bay South

Image credits: Town of Conception Bay South

Image credits: Town of Conception Bay South


The goat’s epic run made him a local hero. Joshua was invited to the town hall, dropped the puck at the opening Renegades hockey game at CBS stadium, and even stayed there for a while to watch the first period!

Now he will stay on the farm. “I think it’s been enough going for him. But he welcomes you to come see him at his patch!” the family shared and added that Joshua is loving all the attention he is getting.”

“The fame is definitely going to his little goat head. He is a very stubborn celebrity,” Jeremy added with a smile and mentioned that despite the invitation to join the marathon next year, the family has some doubts about it, since Joshua is getting really old.

Image credits: Taylor’s Pumpkin Patch

Image credits: Taylor’s Pumpkin Patch

Goats are known for their always curious and adventurous personalities, yet I guess no one expected that there would be a furry four-legged medalist competing in the race.

Now, because of his old age, Joshua needs to recover and rest, but he’s definitely enjoying this new unexpected fame.