According to his obituary, he died on March 11 at the age of 78.

Known as “the man in the iron lung” or “polio Paul,” Paul Alexander, a Dallas native, was more than just his condition. To his younger brother Philip, he was a beacon of inspiration and a true role model.

Photo Credit: ironlungman/Tiktok

Photo Credit: ironlungman/Tiktok

At the age of six, Paul Alexander was diagnosed with polio during an outbreak in Dallas. The disease left him paralyzed from the neck down, reliant on the iron lung to breathe.

Despite his physical limitations, Paul Alexander maintained a positive outlook on life, inspiring those around him with his resilience and determination.

Photo Credit: ironlungman/Tiktok

Photo Credit: ironlungman/Tiktok

Paul Alexander’s adaptability extended to his academic pursuits. He graduated with degrees in economics from Southern Methodist University and law from the University of Texas. He even passed the bar exam and practiced law in Dallas.

In March 2024, Paul Alexander made history when Guinness World Records recognized him as the longest-living iron lung patient ever.

“He wouldn’t have made it this far without the unwavering support of our parents and close friends,” Philip Alexander acknowledged.

Paul Alexander also used social media as a platform to spread messages of hope and resilience, amassing a following from across the globe.

Photo Credit: ironlungman/Tiktok

Photo Credit: ironlungman/Tiktok

While he faced immense challenges, Paul Alexander remained optimistic, even in his darkest moments.

“I miss feeling the warmth of the sun,” he shared in a TikTok video. “But I cling on to hope because I know things will get better.”

A GoFundMe campaign was launched to support Paul Alexander after he was exploited by previous caregivers. The funds went towards maintaining his iron lung and covering housing and healthcare expenses.

In his final weeks, Paul Alexander contracted COVID-19, a virus he knew could be fatal given his fragile health. Despite the odds, he remained steadfast in his resolve, embracing each moment with gratitude and acceptance.

Photo Credit: ironlungman/Tiktok

Photo Credit: ironlungman/Tiktok

“The night before he passed, he looked at me and said, ‘This is perfect,'” Philip Alexander recalled.

Even in death, Paul Alexander’s legacy lives on, a testament to the power of resilience and compassion in the face of adversity. As Philip Alexander tearfully reflects, his brother’s life serves as a reminder that kindness and perseverance can overcome any obstacle.

Sources: CBS News

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