Breastfeeding a baby is a special moment for a mother and her child to bond. However, there is much debate over the ideal age to stop breastfeeding.

This mom of two believes that the baby should be the one to decide when it’s time to stop nursing.

Sheryl Wynne, a resident of West Yorkshire, believes in promoting extended breastfeeding for children. She breastfeeds both of her school-aged sons.


The decision to continue breastfeeding came about when Sheryl involved her children in the conversation about when to wean them off. Initially, she thought she would stop breastfeeding when her older son Riley turned three. However, when she asked for his input, he expressed a desire to continue breastfeeding until he was ten. Although she initially refused, she eventually agreed to continue breastfeeding.

Wynne feels strongly about breastfeeding her children. According to her, it is a comforting method for her kids, and they always turn to her when they need comfort.

Wynne sees nothing wrong with breastfeeding her kids even though they are already 5 and 6 years old and no longer toddlers. In fact, she feels that it has brought her closer to her children.


She shared, “Even when they are not breastfeeding, they still want to be near me and snuggle with me.”

According to Wynne, she receives more support from strangers on the internet than from her own family when it came to breastfeeding her boys. Her family and friends said that her children were acting differently because of it.

Wynne stated, “People think they’re experts in other people’s children, but I’m not doing it blindly even though I am following my instincts in many ways.”

She added that sometimes she might not feel like feeding her children, but she always considers their feelings before making a decision.

Wynne has breastfed her children in public on several occasions. She has breastfed them in school playgrounds and other public places. Although she felt nervous, she wanted her children to feel comfortable and so she pushed through her anxieties.

Wynne’s experience with her first son, Riley, was difficult when it came to breastfeeding. She couldn’t do it properly and felt guilty about it. However, when she had her younger son, Mylo, she decided to give breastfeeding another try.

Now, Wynne is trying to start a new trend where mothers can decide when they want to stop breastfeeding their children. She believes this will bring mothers and children closer together.

Wynne has faced criticism from some people but she remains determined. She wants to set her own timeline for weaning her children, with their input.


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