A video has been circulating through our social media platforms that has struck some nerves in many people. She is seen dragging her toddler through an airport with a leash. The now-viral image has bored into our minds, and the mother is being slammed for being an irresponsible and uncaring parent. The uncomfortable scene has triggered a debate over the child leash. Is it a healthy way to manage your children?

She Dragged her Boy on a Child Leash

Parenting can be tricky. There are so many varying opinions on what makes the best parent. Many people will advise you to do one thing, and others will tell you to do the opposite. So, this makes it very hard to decide on your own methods. Then you add the toddler’s tantrums into the mix, and this is a whole other ball game: the rising blood pressure, the boiling sensation under your skin. Next second, you’re a full-grown adult throwing an even bigger tantrum than your toddler. This may or may not be in public as well.

mother caught dragging her child on a leash through airport terminal
Image credit: TikTok

One thing is for certain; people will always pass judgment. There is no way to avoid it, especially with social media being at such a strong point in its development. A video was taken, allegedly in 2019, of a mother who was clearly fed up with her son. He was a toddler, and she had put him on a child leash and was dragging him on the floor of an airport.

These are generally used for safety, but no one can deny the fact that some end up using them to pull their children when they’re being too stubborn to move. The video has resurfaced now, and it is causing quite a stir. Some people find it amusing; others are disgusted by what they see. The question of morality has been raised. In other words, people are now spewing out their opinions on the child leash, on whether or not it is a healthy way to manage your child in difficult and high emotional moments.



The video has been reposted by many people on all sorts of platforms. From TikTok to YouTube, people are either outraged by what they see, or agree with this mother’s choices full-heartedly. One person commented saying they would never do this to their child, let alone their dog. “There is a difference, in my opinion, [between] using a harness for the safety of your child and dragging the child with it on the ground,” they wrote. I wouldn’t do that to my dog, and I sure as hell wouldn’t do it to my child.”

Then, on a TikTok post by @cacadoodledoo83, there are some more approving comments. One person said their own child is starting to make them want a child leash. They wrote: “My 2nd born is realllllly changing my mind on kid leashes. Heading to my Amazon cart now.” Another wrote: “Lmao! Do what you gotta do momma.”

Then, some people were disgusted that the mom would drag their child on the dirty floor. They commented about the filth and how irresponsible the mother was. However, this person rebutted those comments with her response. She wrote: “People talking about germs like they don’t realize their kid is probably rolling around in just as many germs behind their back 😌.”

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