Morgan Fairchild, the iconic actress from shows like “Friends” and “Falcon Crest,” has emerged stronger and healthier after undergoing two hip surgeries and embarking on a remarkable weight loss journey, shedding 30 pounds. Here is a look into her journey.

Morgan Fairchild at the 'The Michael Awards' in New York in 2008 | Source: Getty Images

Morgan Fairchild at the ‘The Michael Awards’ in New York in 2008 | Source: Getty Images

Morgan Fairchild is a well-known actress who has been on TV since the 1970s. She starred in famous shows like “Friends” and “General Hospital.” Despite her success, Morgan has had some health issues that affected her weight.

Recently, she shared her story about overcoming these challenges. Here’s a look into her weight loss transformation and getting back to her active lifestyle after surviving two hip surgeries.

Morgan Fairchild at the 'The Michael Awards' in New York in 2008 | Source: Getty Images

Morgan Fairchild at the ‘The Michael Awards’ in New York in 2008 | Source: Getty Images

Fairchild has had an inspiring journey to regain her health. She lost 30 pounds by following a specific diet program called Ideal Protein which was based on the “keto,” diet. She mentioned that the program included pre-packaged foods which made it easier for her to stay disciplined since she did not usually cook.

Morgan Fairchild at the Pasadena Playhouse in California in 2016 | Source: Getty Images

Morgan Fairchild at the Pasadena Playhouse in California in 2016 | Source: Getty Images

Every morning, Fairchild had what she called her “fake oatmeal” and then ate a variety of salads throughout the day. She emphasized that the diet is not particularly hard, but it just requires you to stick to the food given because even a small cheat meal could hinder the weight loss progress.

Morgan Fairchild at LAX in California in 2015 | Source: Getty Images

Morgan Fairchild at LAX in California in 2015 | Source: Getty Images

Fairchild’s weight issues began unexpectedly due to a health hazard in her home. She explained, “I went through this unfortunate thing where I had mold in my house and I blew up like a balloon. I had a lot of bronchial issues, which I knew were from the mold, but I had not realized that the weight gain was from the mold.”

Morgan Fairchild in Los Angeles in 2015 | Source: Getty Images

Morgan Fairchild in Los Angeles in 2015 | Source: Getty Images

It wasn’t until she researched ‘black mold’ online that she connected it to her unexplained weight gain. All along the actress had been going to different doctors assuming it was a hormonal imbalance or menopause. It was especially confusing because she had never struggled with weight before.

Morgan Fairchild at the  Hollywood Beauty Awards in California in 2020 | Source: Getty Images

Morgan Fairchild at the Hollywood Beauty Awards in California in 2020 | Source: Getty Images

The turning point came when she met someone at a doctor’s office who was also on the Ideal Protein diet. After consulting with a mold specialist and getting some advice, Morgan decided to try the diet herself.

She recalled, “I just started dropping weight like crazy.” She appreciated the convenience of the diet, particularly during quarantine, as it didn’t require her to cook or buy many groceries.

Morgan Fairchild attends  at The Beverly Hills Hotel in California in 2023 | Source: Getty Images

Morgan Fairchild attends at The Beverly Hills Hotel in California in 2023 | Source: Getty Images

However, the mold health issues were not the only hurdle she had overcome. Fairchild, also known for her role as Chandler’s mom, Nora Bing, on the iconic sitcom “Friends,” shared details about undergoing two hip replacements.

These surgeries came after she went through years of pain, which began with a car accident in 2016. In this accident, she sprained one hip and tore the labrum socket of the other.

She never understood the severity of the injuries so she continued with physical therapy thinking it would help. Unfortunately, it led to severe arthritis.

The actress described the process of her surgeries and recovery and credited her resilience to her Taxan genes, “I went in at 8 am, they did it at 11. I got up and they had me walking at four. I went home at 7. You just deal with it.” she said.

Following the surgeries, she started going for therapy again, which helped her get back on her feet again. She was happy to be back to her active lifestyle, and to get back into the glamour of wearing heels again.

Morgan Fairchild attends  at The Beverly Hills Hotel in California in 2023 | Source: Getty Images

Morgan Fairchild attends at The Beverly Hills Hotel in California in 2023 | Source: Getty Images

Unfortunately, this was not the end of her life problems. In 2020, amidst various health challenges and the global crisis of the coronavirus pandemic, Fairchild faced the heartbreak of losing her long-time partner of 36 years, Mark Seiler, who had been battling Parkinson’s disease for several years.

With over 30 years together, it is no secret that they shared a close bond. The two were engaged but never walked down the aisle. The actress had also confessed that she was not sure if they ever would.

However, what Fairchild was certain of was how much she loved him “Well, I don’t know. But you know, it’s definitely a long-term commitment and we’ve been together for a long time… so we may just leave it the way it is right now. We’re both getting older,” she explained.

During quarantine, the actress stayed at home alone, while her partner was cared for in a nursing home. While separation was difficult she felt reassured knowing that the facility was taking good care of him.

Her alone time was blissful but she had friends telling her that the quarantine was affecting their marriages. She joked, “I have a lot [of] people complaining that they’re ready to get divorced! So I’m here with my cats and I’m getting through it.”

Fairchild also shared how she kept busy and maintained her well-being during the lockdown. She kept a routine that included housework, daily exercises, and walks.

The actress loves to share selfies from her walk. In one photo she rocked a short haircut, and fans were happy to see her face without a mask. “You look lovely” gushed a commenter.

In addition to taking walks, she made sure to eat healthy and kept up with the news. As challenging as the pandemic was she and Seiler used FaceTime calls to survive the physical distance.

Morgan Fairchild has faced many tough times, including serious health issues, the global COVID-19 pandemic, and the very sad loss of her long-time partner, Mark Seiler. Despite these challenges, she never gave up on getting her body healthy and strong again.

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