I was staring at my daughter’s vacant bed in her room and my pulse was racing. My gorgeous thirteen-year-old daughter, Amber, had vanished from sight a week prior. She had blonde hair and freckles. As a father, it was the most difficult thing I had ever gone through. Every second without her was agony I was unable to break free from, and every moment seemed to last forever. The days I was passed slowly, with me hoping that she would return to me at the next call or knock on the door.

Amber was not the kind to flee. That’s what all parents say, I know, but it’s true. I felt a strong connection and intimate kinship with Amber. She was a happy, well-behaved child who always made me proud. It seemed unthinkable that she would walk away without saying anything. My worry intensified, gnawing at my heart as each day went by without any sign of her. I did not doubt that she had suffered a terrible event.

The Sack
Though it felt like a fruitless endeavor, the cops played their role. Despite their assurances that they were doing all within their power, their pitiful shrugs and pitying glances did little to alleviate my suffering. I was completely lost, alone, and desperate.



One evening, I was weeping outside in desperation and anger when I saw a homeless woman going through a garbage not too far away. My heart stopped seeing what she had thrown over her shoulder. The backpack of Amber! I could identify the unicorn patch she had sewed on herself and knew it was hers.

With my pulse pounding, I hurried over to the woman. “Pardon me! That backpack, where did you buy it? With a quivering voice, I pleaded. She gave me a confused, apprehensive glance. Please, give it to my daughter. Please give it to me; I’ll give you everything, even money.

After giving the backpack to the woman cautiously, she gave it to her. I offered her a big thank you, handed her some cash, and held the bag against my breast. But my heart fell as I opened it. It was bare. totally devoid. Horrible ideas were racing through my head. What had become of Amber? Why was her backpack in this location?

The Memo

I tossed the backpack down in desperation and started crying. A little bit of paper flew out when it touched the ground. With trembling hands, I lifted it and unfolded it. I was met with the words “Green House” in return.

My throat tightened around my breath. The House of Greens! How was she able to get there? The neighborhood knew this old house well, with its overgrown yard and peeling green paint. I believed it had been abandoned for years. I needed to locate her right away.



With a rush of excitement coursing through me, I hurried to my car. My mind was buzzing with a thousand ideas on the journey to the Green House, and I couldn’t focus.

What if she suffered harm? How come I arrived too late? I was unable to handle the idea of losing her.

The Finding
Gazing forward, the Green House was a shadowy figure against the dusk sky. With my pulse racing, I parked my car and hurried towards the building. The sound of my frenzied footsteps was the only thing breaking the quiet.

“Amber!” I yelled, my voice resonating through the deserted hallways. “Mom here, Amber! How are you doing?

A low whining sound made its way to my ears. I dodged between the damaged walls and rubble as I followed the sound. I eventually located her in a tiny, poorly lighted room. With tears streaming down her cheeks, Amber curled up in a corner.

She yelled, “Mom!” and I hurried over to embrace her. Her entire body was shivering from terror.

I held Amber tight and said, “Oh, Amber.” “Thank God I came across you.”

The Veracity

Amber informed me what had happened through tears. A lady who resided in the home had abducted her. The mother had spotted Amber going home from school and was mentally sick. She lived alone. The mother had thought Amber was her own daughter, lost to her years before, in her confused state. She had used a false pretense of needing assistance to get Amber inside her home, whereupon she had kept her, thinking she was shielding her.

Amber stated that the woman was really disturbed but not aggressive. Though she’d given Amber food and a place to sleep, she’d prevented her from going outdoors because she believed it was too dangerous. Although Amber was not hurt physically, she had been terrified and bewildered and unable to comprehend why she was experiencing this.

The Reprieve

Amber informed me what had happened through tears. A lady who resided in the home had abducted her. The mentally ill woman had witnessed Amber making her way from school. Using a false pretense of needing assistance, she had enticed Amber into her home and prevented her from leaving. Amber wasn’t hurt physically, but she was terrified and perplexed as she didn’t know why she was experiencing this.

She was removed.
After I phoned the police, they were up fast to secure the area and make sure Amber was safe. After taking the woman into prison, they treated her with kindness and sympathy, taking into account her mental illness. After Amber and I got home, the horror was over. It was such a comfort to have her back. With gratitude for our second opportunity, we embraced one another tightly.



The Joyful Conclusion
The next weeks saw a gradual return to normalcy in life. All that mattered was that Amber was safe, even though she was a little quieter and more reserved. We spoke a great deal, confiding in one another and finding solace in one another’s presence. Our relationship was strengthened even more by the crucible of our struggle.


Amber returned to school and was greeted with wide arms by her pals. The neighborhood had come together in support of us, providing a glimmer of hope during our lowest moments. Amber flourished, her tenacity evident. In an effort to never again feel so defenseless, she enrolled in a self-defense course.

For my part, I discovered the genuine power of a parent’s love. I had been driven to my limits by my fear of losing Amber, but it had also given me strength in optimism and willpower. We had overcome the worst and emerged from it stronger and closer as a team.

Although Amber’s departure had been the toughest thing I had ever gone through, it had ultimately strengthened our bond. As a team, we were prepared for everything that life might throw at us. And I knew that with Amber at my side, we could overcome anything.

Our narrative had a beautiful conclusion, and I was grateful for it every day. All that mattered was that Amber was safe. We had connected in the shadows, and together we had managed to return to the light.

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