Because my mother-in-law (MIL) didn’t think well of me, she made every effort to keep her son and I apart. My MIL did an unforgivable prank the day of our wedding, and karma swiftly and unexpectedly came back to haunt her! Now she treats me with respect!

Hello to all of you! I have a startling tale to tell that still makes me angry when I think about it. This is my story. I’ve been married to Josh for five years, but his mother, Samantha, has never supported me.

That’s because of my past that she feels that way about me. Sadly for her, I was raised in a typical household. The sad widow was hoping Josh would find a “better” match, and she had arranged for him to meet a very special person.

Her criticism of me initially showed out in little, apparently insignificant ways. As if Mom would “forget” to wish me a happy birthday or to extend an invitation to family gatherings.

Her criticism of me initially showed out in little, apparently insignificant ways. As if Mom would “forget” to wish me a happy birthday or to extend an invitation to family gatherings. And when Josh was going to ask me to marry him, it got much worse.

Through my sister-in-law Megan, my mother-in-law (MIL) learned of the date. Samantha contacted Josh during our romantic meal that night. She said she was having a heart attack and that she needed his help right now.

It’s your mother, Josh. I’m in need of you now! Samantha shook as she spoke on the phone. Josh’s phone buzzed once more as his face went white. The message from Megan appeared: “She’s lying. Refrain from falling for it!

“Are you certain?” Josh returned the SMS message promptly.

Megan answered, “Yes, she’s sitting here eating ice cream and watching TV.” That warning prevented him from falling for Samantha’s ruse! Even though we knew his mother was lying about her illness to attract his attention, we were still able to enjoy a wonderful romantic meal and get engaged.

The months before the wedding were a living hell. Samantha made every effort to undermine our plans. She was all over the venue, criticizing my outfit, and even trying to get Josh out of the whole event!

Do you truly believe that she is the RIGHT ONE for you, Josh? Samantha would remark, with a condescending tone. “You’re capable of so much more.”

“I adore her, Mom.” Remaining composed, Josh would respond, “That’s all that matters.”

I had assumed my husband’s mother would give in, but she unexpectedly showed up for my bridal shower! The mom became agitated and accused me of attempting to ruin her son’s life by stealing him away!

She cried out, “You’re nothing but a gold-digger!” in front of my entire family and circle of friends.

In an attempt to keep me safe, my maid of honor, Sarah, sternly told Samantha, “You need to leave now.” My MIL’s behavior appeared to be getting more desperate, but I wasn’t prepared for what she would do next!

Let us fast-forward to our nuptials. I hoped that she had accepted that her son had picked me. Nevertheless, no She interrupted us in the middle of our wedding vows, saying she had a “surprise” in store for me.

“I have a unique present for the bride,” Samantha declared, grinning menacingly. She poured a full bottle of red paint all over my clothing before anyone could respond. “Mom, what the hell?” Josh’s voice echoed along the hallway as he yelled.

I was stunned as I stood there, my exquisite garment damaged! I was in disbelief and speechless. However, Josh yelled at her and insisted that she leave right away. “Mom, you went too far this time! Leave now! Now!” he said.

A few visitors, sick of Samantha’s antics, had her hauled away. The ceremony went on, but the atmosphere had soured. I was saddened on the inside, even though I attempted to put on a brave façade.

We made the decision to go directly to our honeymoon room after the wedding instead of attending the reception. Josh was pacing back and forth in our room, utterly furious. He murmured, “It’s unbelievable that she did that.” “Baby, I’m so sorry. Our lives were meant to be filled with happiness on this day.

I tried to reassure him, saying, “It’s not your fault.” “She is the one who caused the ruin.” You may now assume that’s where the tale stops, but wait—there’s more. Karma moved swiftly and had more in store for Samantha!

I discovered a few weeks later that my MIL was hosting a lavish celebration at her house. The elite members of society were invited to the charity function. She always took great pride in her spotless home and well-kept garden.

It was meant to be the most anticipated social function on her schedule. It was time, I concluded, for a little retribution. I struck up a conversation with a couple pals who were landscapers and came to an agreement.

“Are you certain about this?” my friend Jake questioned with a smile. Without a doubt! It’s time for her to grow up,” I retorted. Samantha received the justice she was due the evening before the banquet. Addresses were “accidentally” messed up by Jake’s firm.

My MIL’s well-kept lawn received a truckload of manure from them. The group then dispersed it widely. They made sure to apply the strongest fertilizer possible to every square inch of her priceless garden!

The stench was very bad in the morning! As guests began to arrive for the event, they were met by an overpowering smell of manure. My MIL seemed embarrassed! Despite her best efforts, the stench was too strong for any amount of perfume or air fresheners to cover up.

“Thank you for visiting my…” Samantha got going. One of the guests covered their nose and cried, “Oh, dear lord!” “What in the world happened here, Samantha?” A second, frightened, murmured. Visitors departed with disdain, and my MILl’s standing suffered greatly!

She had been accused of improperly disposing of manure by “someone.” Her garden was left in ruins and she was forced to pay a large fine and hire a cleanup crew. I may have given them away in secret, but sometimes you have to get creative to get justice.

The cherry on top was that I made sure the article made it into the local paper! They published an article titled “Gala Gone Wrong.” They described in detail how a strange delivery of manure destroyed the host’s painstaking preparation. Not in a positive manner, Samantha’s name was the talk of the town!

Upon our arrival, my mother-in-law’s expression was wonderful upon seeing the painting! With a quick gesture toward the garage, she said, “What is this supposed to be?” “It’s a symbol of our strength and resilience as a couple,” Josh remarked, laughing.

I grinned as she came up to me and said I was the mastermind behind it all. “Isn’t it funny how things sometimes turn out?” I answered. Samantha never attempted to undermine our connection after that day. She was wise enough not to play games with me.

However, I had one more thing planned. I set up a family intervention so she could be made fully aware of the consequences of her conduct. Josh assisted us in getting everyone together at our place. Those who had witnessed Samantha’s actions throughout the years included Megan, Sarah, and a few close friends.

Josh said, “Samantha, we need to talk,” in a serious tone. “You should take responsibility for your actions as they have caused us great pain.”

“Is this a form of ambush?” my mother-in-law scoffed while folding her arms.

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