Claire expects to relive her best memories when she sees the wedding images a month later. She gets photographs she didn’t expect. Claire must take extraordinary measures after unedited pictures reveal a horrific discovery.

Claire here, and I had the beautiful wedding a month ago. Imagine a sun-dappled woodland clearing, fairy lights in the trees, and me going down a pathway of fallen leaves toward Mark, the man I believed I’d spend forever with.

“You look like a dream,” he said as I approached, his emerald eyes crinkling.

I smiled back, my heart so full it may explode. “You’re not bad, handsome.”

Our vows were sincere, tearful, and everything I wanted. Rachel, my ride-or-die since kindergarten, was blotting her eyes and giggling like a fool next to me.

“I told you that dress was the one,” she added, hugging me. “You glow, babe.”

Magical reception. We danced under the stars, clinked glasses with loved ones, and I kissed my new husband between courses.

I had the best day ever. It seemed like everything was falling into place. The perfect wedding to start our perfect life.

God, I was stupid.

Last week. I received an email while going through my phone on the couch. Our wedding photographer informed us of the images’ readiness.

I shrieked and clicked the link faster than “newlywed bliss.”

I noticed something odd about the photos when I opened the folder. The footage was unaltered. They were taken at odd angles, like someone was lurking behind shrubs or peeking behind corners.

I thought our wedding photos were damaged, but they were worse.

My stomach flipped, but I believed these were candid shots and the real ones were down below.

Images made me frown more as I clicked. And then—bam! It existed. A clear photo of my new spouse Mark lip-locking Rachel in a remote wilderness.

I kept staring at his hands in her hair and her leg around his waist.

That feeling when the floor collapses? When everything tilts and you can’t breathe? Yeah. That.

tears blurred my eyesight as I stared at that photo for hours. Could they? How dare they? My wedding day! In the same day, Mark and I pledged to be faithful. Mark and Rachel

The two people I trusted most had ruined my marriage.

I felt something else as the shock subsided. A harsh, angry object. I couldn’t believe it, but the evidence was in front of me and made my stomach churn, so I had to acknowledge their affair.

A million questions flooded my mind, including how long this had been going on under my nose. I immediately concluded that just one thing mattered: what would I do?

After wiping my eyes, I breathed deeply and planned.

Honey, I’m home! Some days later, Mark’s voice boomed forth. I faked a grin and kissed him at the door.

“How was work, babe?” I ask sickly sweetly.

He shrugged, hanging his coat. “Same old. Your spirits are high. What’s up?

I hopped like an ecstatic wife. “Well, I thought… Our one-month anniversary is nearing. What about a little dinner gathering to celebrate?

Mark raised his eyebrows. “Dinner party? That’s not our style, right?

I pouted heavily. “Come on! Naturally, our parents, siblings, and Rachel. She’s almost my sister. Please? I wish to demonstrate my new hosting skills.”

He paused, then nodded. “Okay, if you value it. Keep things low-key, please.

Smiled at him. “Yes, sweetie. Everything will be perfect. You’ll see.”

The dinner night arrived, and I was nervous. Not from hosting anxiousness. Pure, delightful anticipation. Tonight I would reveal Mark and Rachel’s true selves.

The dinner exceeded my expectations. I made all Mark’s favorites and some expensive appetizers. His mother, Nancy, continued praising my domesticity.

“I always knew you two were meant to be,” she patted my hand. Mark is fortunate to have found you.”

Bile rose in my throat as I grinned fiercely. If only she knew.

All apology grins and air kisses, Rachel came last. Sorry for being late! Traffic was awful.”

“Don’t worry, Rach. What matters is that you’re here, I said.

As we looked at each other, I saw a glimpse of something. Guilt? Fear? It disappeared, replaced by her customary cheery grin.

Come in!” Chirped. We’re only beginning. Wine?”

Pouring made my hand shake. Mark frowned. You okay, babe? You seem odd tonight.”

I dismissed him. “Just excited about the big reveal!”

His frown grew. “Reveal? What shows?”

I winked curiously. “A special surprise awaits. You’ll see.”

Dinner went pleasantly with idle talk and delicious praise. The suspense made me hardly taste a bite. Finally, after the main course, I stood.

“Before dessert, I have a surprise for the man of the hour,” I said, just stuttering.

Pulling an envelope from the kitchen, I moved slowly. The end. Moment of truth.

“Happy one-month anniversary, darling,” I handed Mark the envelope. Open it!

He opened the flap, perplexed but willing. As he removed the contents, his face turned colorless.

“What’s it, son?” Dad leaned forward to inquire. “Don’t surprise us!”

Mark showed me his panicked eyes. I smiled softly. Go ahead, honey. Show everyone our wonderful wedding photo.”

Mark shook his head. “I can’t… Claire, please…”

“Okay, I’ll demonstrate.”

Taking the photo from his shaking hands, I held it up for everyone to see. Their betrayal was visible in color. Rachel kissing Mark. On our wedding day.

A deafening hush.

Rachel choked on her tears. Claire, I can explain—

I interrupted her with a hand. “No need. The photo tells it all, right?

Nancy frowned. “Mark… How could?

My voice was cool and steady as I faced them. “I packed my bags. I’ll file for divorce tomorrow morning.”

Mark eventually spoke. Claire—please wait. I swear it didn’t mean anything!”

But I was leaving with my head held high.