Flying with kids and dogs is usually asking for trouble- and most dog owners know the struggle that they go through to ensure that their pets can travel with them. But recently, a social media post has gone viral which shows a flier purchasing three extra flight tickets so that his Great Dane will be able to travel with him. While there is always a risk of such a giant dog going berserk, the dog made everyone fall in love with her during the flight. This is the story of Gabriel Bogner, who was shifting from Los Angeles to Brooklyn. In a recent TikTok video, he told his audience that he had figured out a way to make sure his dog flew with him as well. The TikToker has Crohn’s disease, and therefore he relies on his Great Dane, Darwin, as his service dog.

Most airlines usually allow animals on board with the owners, but Darwin the Great Dane is quite different. Most airlines have a small dog in their mind when they are setting up a crate. However, Darwin is a 140-pound Great Dane. Gabriel then went on to mention that he had explored most of the options for traveling. Unfortunately, he had found out that his dog was bigger than the largest crate which was available. But then he found a solution. American Airlines informed him that if he would purchase three seats for his dog, they would be willing to accommodate him. This is because it would also give the dog ample space to settle comfortably.

Great Dane Makes Everyone Fall In Love With Her In Flight

The TikToker agreed to this proposal, and this ended up being an unforgettable flight for everyone involved. The TikTok video, which has been seen around 18 million times, shows the in-flight adventure of the big dog. In the caption, Gabriel wrote, “Who says Great Danes aren’t airplane dogs.” But, one has to also consider the reaction of fellow passengers. Gabriel stated that it was “definitely a shocker for people walking through the airport to see a literal horse coming towards them.” Nevertheless, since Darwin is a service dog, he is unusually well-behaved, so almost everyone was delighted by him.

Speaking to SWNS, Gabriel mentioned, “There were no issues, she was great, and the entire crew was amazing. People were absolutely gobsmacked and shocked, but everyone was so excited to see her… I’ve never seen so many people smiling at an airport.” As it turns out, the comments on the TikTok video, too, are overwhelmingly positive. One person posted that they would love to be seated next to the Great Dane, and would even pay a lot more to be near him.

One commenter mentioned, “As a flight attendant… I would do anything for him on my flight.” Another individual mentioned, “My flight anxiety would be nonexistent if I got to sit next to this angel.” Yet another individual commented, “Instantly demanding a refund for my recent flight, which unreasonably lacked a Great Dane.” On their official site, American Airlines does note in its ‘services animals’ section, “Our team members are trained to ask certain questions to determine if your animal is a service animal acceptable for travel.” Looks like Great Danes make for amazing traveling partners. So, when are you going to get yourself one?

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