Raccoons are cute, adorable, and, most of all, resourceful. After all, there aren’t that many animals around the world who manage to get by as amazingly as these furry creatures, which is something that will likely never stop attracting our attention.

A perfect example of how well they manage to blend into our society is this one video captured and shared online a little while ago. In it, a raccoon casually approached the Dunkin’ Donuts drive-thru window just to be served like any other regular customer, leaving every witness amazed. Scroll down to find out more!

More info: TikTok

Whether you’re a human or a raccoon, everyone has to wait in the same line at a drive-thru

Image credits: samguptuppy

A raccoon came out of the bushes to join the line at the Dunkin’ Donuts drive-thru, politely waiting to be served

It was around a year ago when Jane Guptill, better known by her username samguptuppy, shared a video on TikTok that captured the attention of almost every person online who came in contact with it. The video quickly went viral, garnering over 23 million views and more than 4 million likes.

In this clip, Jane, together with another unidentified person sitting behind the wheel, was in a car, sitting in line at the Dunkin’ Donuts drive-through window. As they were about to approach to pick up their order, it suddenly turned out that there was someone else in the line before them.

Out of the bushes nearby appeared a raccoon, who, carefully looking to both sides, approached the drive-thru window and stopped, waiting for the operator to notice him. It seemed like he wasn’t lost and really knew what he was doing.

Image credits: samguptuppy

Image credits: samguptuppy

He carefully took the doughnut that was handed to him, put it in his mouth for safer carrying, and casually returned back where he came from

Soon, the worker operating the window opened it and held out a big, round doughnut for the little customer, who appeared more patient than some human customers. The raccoon carefully took the treat, put it in his mouth for safer transportation of the goods, and quickly retreated back where he came from.

Judging from the comment section, most people were just as appreciative of this spectacle as Jane herself. But while a lot of people were saying over and over again how sweet and adorable this sight was, some were quick to point out that feeding wild animals is rarely a good idea, adding that this raccoon will likely start bringing more and more friends on his following visits.

Image credits: samguptuppy

Image credits: samguptuppy

Check out the full video:


Raccoons are quite impressive animals. And yet, in the eyes of some, these fuzzy creatures have quite a bad reputation. So, let’s take a look at it and get a better idea of why that is and whether it is deserved.

According to an article on Arrow Exterminators, raccoons are nocturnal animals that, due to their nature and unyielding curiosity, often end up in places we’d rather they didn’t. They’re known for rummaging through trash bins as well as damaging various objects on people’s property and sometimes even inside their homes.

Image credits: samguptuppy

They can also be quite dangerous, especially if they feel threatened or are cornered or protecting their young. Additionally, they can also carry diseases that can cause harm to both humans and other animals.

But that’s how it is with most wild animals. Defending yourself is a natural instinct, and diseases can affect us all. The main difference is that we humans are quite adept at protecting ourselves and those around us from them, at least in theory.

And the curiosity? Well, that’s also part of the charm, is it not? Sure, depending on the situation, it can be quite annoying, but it’s also beautiful, just like many other reasons why so many people like raccoons.

Image credits: Justin Leonard / Flickr (not the actual photo)


Raccoons may get a bad reputation from some people, but they’re actually very smart and resourceful animals that are often misunderstood and mislabeled

Sarah Holmes Bookbinder of Gordon Wildlife explained that their curiosity, as well as cleverness, dexterity, adaptability, and overall careless nature, make them great survivors who managed to adapt to a human-driven ecosystem perfectly. And where humans are driving the ecosystem to ruins, raccoons spread seeds and reduce pest populations, actually improving it.

Additionally, these animals are not only cute but also smart. They are so smart, in fact, that when there were studies on their intelligence being done in the ’60s, the researchers gave up out of frustration because raccoons kept figuring out how to escape their cages, constantly prolonging and complicating the process.

Image credits: Emmett Tullos / Flickr (not the actual photo)

As per Presley Patten and Ava Mescher’s article on The Echoes Online, wild raccoons, no matter how cute, are not really suitable to be held at home, and attempting to tame one might end poorly.

Fortunately, those who are already raised in a human environment can actually make for wonderful pets. They still might attempt to attack your trash bins and do other things that are expected from a raccoon, but with a little bit of research and extra preparation, the issue can be easily solved.

Image credits: HNBS / Pixabay (not the actual photo)

Ultimately, just like this video of a raccoon and his daily doughnut, there are countless similar ones online that keep reminding us of just how clever and adorable these animals truly are. It’s hard to deny that they do cause their fair share of trouble, but perhaps it is us who should be more compassionate. After all, every species has the right to be as much as the next one.

What did you think about this story? Have you ever had a pet raccoon? Share it all in the comments below!