The 2012 pregnancy of Rebecca Callaghan was difficult because of issues that required an early labor intervention.

Their newborn, Matilda, didn’t have anything special about her right away after birth. A large blue stain that ran down her torso was seen on her face about thirty minutes after delivery. It was first thought to be a bruise, but experts quickly determined that it was actually a birthmark.

Matilda was diagnosed with Sturge Weber’s syndrome, a rare neurological illness that causes skin problems, paralysis, cognitive difficulties, and seizures, two weeks later.

Due to the seriousness of her health, the family was forced to seek emergency care at Liverpool’s Adler Hey Children’s Hospital, which caused them to become extremely concerned for her survival.

We couldn’t travel with her because she was so sick, her father revealed to the Daily Mail, expressing the emotional turmoil of not knowing if they would see their daughter again. It was terrifying to watch her being carried away,” he recalled.

When it was discovered that Matilda had two heart abnormalities, more issues developed.

Matilda endured the required operations and came out on top despite the tremendous odds. In order to make her birthmark less noticeable, she also started getting laser treatments; this procedure is anticipated to last far into her adolescent years.

Her skin is red and irritated after every session, and it always looks worse before getting better. Her father clarified, “It’s upsetting and difficult when people mistakenly blame us. They encounter misinterpretations from people who are unaware of Matilda’s condition.”

Matilda is still happy and energetic even if her medical procedures are causing her discomfort.

Because of Matilda’s unusual appearance, the family is frequently the target of public attention; some people even ludicrously wonder if she was burned by a radiator. Her father hopes that people would see her for the sweet child she truly is, rather than just the outward appearance.

Matilda is still happy despite her mobility issues and sight impairment. With the assistance of a customized walking frame, she has accomplished some steps independently.


“She’s fiercely independent,” her father says with pride. Her upbeat demeanor leaves an impression on everyone she encounters. For us, spending each day with her is a priceless bonus.

Eight-year-old Matilda recently need a new wheelchair to improve her quality of life and mobility, which prompted a crowdfunding campaign to raise money for this necessary assistance.

The goal is to raise $6,300 so that she can purchase a wheelchair so she can carry on her beloved outdoor exploration.

We cordially encourage everyone to share the story of Matilda’s valiant quest in order to get the essential mobility equipment required for her to live a free and happy life.

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