Cara Brookins found herself emotionally shattered after leaving her second abusive marriage. Facing the challenge of finding a new home for her family with limited resources, she realized that conventional options were financially out of reach. Determined to take control of her situation and reunite her family, she embarked on an unconventional path: building a house from scratch.

The Bold Decision to Build

In 2007, Brookins made the audacious decision to build her own home in Bryant, Arkansas. Despite initial doubts and skepticism from others, she purchased one acre of land for $20,000 and secured a building loan of approximately $150,000. With no prior construction experience, she turned to YouTube tutorials to learn essential skills such as plumbing, laying foundation, and constructing walls.

Family Bonding Through Construction

Throughout the nine-month construction period of their 3,500-square-foot home, Brookins’ four children—ranging from 2 to 17 years old—played integral roles in the project. Her eldest son, Drew, then 15, assisted with preparations, while her daughter Jada, 11, helped by fetching water from a neighbor’s pond and mixing mortar for the foundation. Despite the challenges and long hours, the family bonded deeply through their collective effort.

Overcoming Challenges and Seeking Expertise

Navigating through setbacks and uncertainties, Brookins juggled her responsibilities, working on the house during school hours and late into the night. Recognizing the need for professional assistance in more complex tasks, she hired a part-time firefighter with building experience. His expertise proved invaluable, guiding them through technical challenges and ensuring the project’s success.

Achieving Triumph: Moving into Inkwell Manor

On March 31, 2009, Cara Brookins and her children finally moved into their completed five-bedroom home, which they fondly named Inkwell Manor. This milestone marked not only the culmination of their laborious efforts but also a significant turning point in Brookins’ journey towards healing and empowerment.

Inspiring Others and Embracing Possibility

Reflecting on her transformative experience, Brookins has since authored numerous books and penned her biography, “Rise: How a House Built a Family,” slated for release. She encourages others to pursue their dreams with determination and resilience, emphasizing that overcoming challenges can lead to unexpected achievements. Her story stands as a testament to the power of perseverance and the transformative impact of pursuing ambitious goals.