identical twins When they were babies, a single mother of three adopted Alan and Patrick. However, their birth mother surprised everyone by attending the celebration on their 18th birthday.

While everyone was having a great time, Alan disturbed the guests.

He lifted his glass, said, “Excuse me, everyone,” and turned to face Alice. “Mom, can you please join Patrick and me?”

Alice stood next to her boys and gave them a hesitant grin.

“I want to thank all of you for coming,” Alan said. “Some of you may not be aware, but without Mom in our lives, Patrick and I would have struggled. Thus, we wanted to use this opportunity to say thank you, Mom,” he continued.

Alice’s eyes welled up with tears as Patrick put his arm around her.

“Alan’s right,” said Patrick. Mom discovered us in the park across from this house eighteen years ago. Alone and deserted. We are incredibly grateful that she took us in. Mom, you are loved! Really, really! We are unable to repay the love and attention you gave us, no matter how much we would like to.”

The audience cheered and Alice and her boys hugged each other. Abruptly, though, silence descended upon the assembly.

When Alan and Patrick looked around, they noticed a small, pale woman in their garden who was wearing tattered clothes.

“Uh, can we help you?” Alan enquired.

“Are you Alan, and that’s…your brother, Patrick?” She questioned, shakily.

“Yes,” Patrick answered. “Who are you?”

“I’m—I’m your birth mother, Amanda…” A great scream went out in the group as she confessed shakily.

With a sudden halt to the festivities, Alan, Patrick, Amanda, and Alice entered the house.

“Why are you here after all these years?” Amanda sat down on the couch in the living room and Alan asked.

“I did something wrong when I saw your father for the last time, eighteen years ago. “I was in prison all these years,” Amanda retorted, her past flickering before her eyes.

Eighteen years prior…

When Amanda, 24, greeted her boss, Adam, and his parents, she fixed her clothing and joined the restaurant crew. A limo appeared out of nowhere outside the diner.

“Congratulations, and welcome back, boss!” Adam and his parents were showered with confetti as the restaurant erupted in cheers.

The employees went back to work, wishing Adam luck as he grows the company in Europe, but Amanda’s eyes remained on him. She watched him go to his office after speaking with the manager in silence.

“Oh my god, finally!” She pushed herself into his arms and locked the office door.

“You have no idea how long I had been anticipating this! “Our kids resemble you exactly,” she said, stepping away. “Boys in twins. Adam, I was over making up stories about how I had another fiancé! And it was a very difficult pregnancy…however, since you’re here,We can finally spend time together!”

“Stop it, Amanda,” he said, averting his gaze. “We’re not going to be together.”

“Cease talking! This is not the moment for practical jokes!” She gave him a silly smile and embraced him. However, he withdrew.

Hissed, “Oh god, stop it!” “And speak less loudly. I apologize to Amanda, but when I was in Europe, I met someone, and in two weeks, we’re getting married.”

Amanda gasped. Though Adam seemed serious, she assumed he was still kidding. He promised to provide her $70,000, as well as an unofficial monthly alimony payment until the twins turned 18 and to cover the cost of their college education. He only asked that she keep quiet about the twins.

“I’m telling your fiancée everything!” Amanda used blackmail on him. “She needs to know the kind of man you are, Adam!”

However, Amanda was then far too innocent. Adam, unfazed by her remarks, vowed to ruin her career and place her on a blacklist. “And nobody will hire you as a chef after that, Amanda,” he said. “So a peaceful break up is a good way out for both of us.”

Amanda was beyond broken. She was too shocked to respond, so she simply went home and started screaming uncontrollably when she saw her twins. Sarah, her friend who was watching her kids, was shocked when Amanda started crying uncontrollably on the living room floor.

“He abandoned me! Sarah gave her an embrace as she sobbed, “For a girl he met ten months ago!”

Sarah told Amanda, “He’s not the right man for you.” And it makes sense that he is paying you back. Accept the offer. It will safeguard the future of your offspring.”

But Amanda’s fury was building. As she wiped away her tears, she yelled, “No way I’m backing off!” “Adam will never marry or lead a contented life.Not as long as I live!”

Amanda watched Adam and his fiancée, Catherine, the following day at the restaurant. She saw Adam playing the gentleman, and it made her want to shout, to tell everyone what a terrible man he was. But she had a plan, so she pulled herself together.

“What would you like to have, ma’am?” She walked up to Catherine’s table and inquired. “Hello, Amanda here, the head chef. I’ll be here to help you today.

“Oh my god, please call me Catherine,” Catherine exclaimed as she stood up. “It’s true that I came for breakfast, but let’s talk about it later. Could you give me a tour of the eatery? It’s been too long being put off by your employer!”

Amanda gave me a sly smile. She exclaimed, “Oh, that would be a pleasure.”

During their tour of the restaurant, Amanda was so kind to Catherine that they became friends. Amanda finally got her wish when Catherine insisted on having breakfast with her.

“I wanted to ask you something as a friend, Amanda…” Catherine glanced at her as she paused her meal. Has Adam ever dated any staff members? Not that he would withhold anything from me, butYou know, I was simply curious.”

Although Amanda was ecstatic, her expression remained somber. “Oh well, Mr. Quinn had a bit of a reputation with women, but come on, Catherine, he’s such a gentleman, and he’s turned over a new leaf now that he’s met the love of his life,” she added with a grin. “You probably have nothing to worry about.”

However, Catherine had become lost in contemplation and was unsure if she actually knew Adam. When Amanda realized it, she was overjoyed. After a while, she excused herself and headed out of the restaurant, eager to carry out the second half of her plan.

At the pharmacy across the street, she said to the pharmacist, “Hey, um, can I get some sleeping pills?”

Adam had his bachelor celebration that evening at the restaurant with his pals. Adam and his buddies were being served by a few male staff members; the rest of the crew had left for home. Amanda said she was finishing up new menu items, so she stayed behind.

She went over to their table and saw that Adam and his pals were getting really tipsy and that some of them were departing. Under the guise of clearing the dishes, she surreptitiously slipped sleeping tablets into Adam’s glass.

She grinned at the waiter and said, “Oh, let me give you a hand,” while pouring them drinks.

That evening, Amanda kept an eye on Adam via the kitchen door until he finished the last of the booze. When she saw he was fast asleep, she became frightened, and two of his buddies agreed to bring him home.

Hurrying towards them, she yelled, “You can’t do that!” “You can’t bring him home because Mr. Quinn’s fiancée is there with her friends celebrating her bachelorette party,” I said. Would you mind assisting me in moving him to his office couch? When he works late, he sleeps there.”

Her heart raced as she watched the two males exchange glances, unsure if they believed her narrative.

She breathed a sigh of relief when they replied, “Sure!” shortly after.

Amanda called a stripper to the restaurant when Adam was by himself. “Ten times the amount they mentioned on your webpage,” she proposed to the lady. “Make it look like you seduced him and went above and beyond your ‘job description.’”

“Are you crazy?” answered the woman. “I don’t sleep with men for any amount of money that you may offer. I’m leaving here; keep that money!”

“No, wait!” Amanda pulled her aside. Do you realize that all you have to do is make it appear as though you shared a bed with him? I guess his fiancée ought to witness the two of you together. Is that something you can do?”

“You should’ve said that before!” With a rolling of her eyes, the stripper nodded.

It was seven a.m., two hours later. As scheduled, Amanda called Catherine to ask her to breakfast at the restaurant. However, Catherine was unprepared for the surprise.

She stormed into Adam’s office, screaming, “WHAT THE HELL, ADAM?!” Amanda stood behind her, beaming that her plan had worked.

After removing herself from Adam, the stripper started getting ready. Adam sat motionless on the sofa.

“How could you do this when we’re getting married in a few days, Adam?!” Catherine growled. “Disgusting!”

“I didn’t do anything, babe!” He stood up and gave a headshake. “I—I don’t remember anything because I was quite drunk last night, but—”

“Never deceive your prospective spouse,” the dancer scoffed. “You told me I looked gorgeous, we had champagne, and you called me for a private performance.and the rest is history, you know!”

He shouted, “Don’t lie!” “I wouldn’t have been able to—Wait, I would have paid you if I had called you here. Present the transaction to me.”

Shrugging, she said, “You gave me cash,” and took out her purse.

“Lies!” Adam became enraged. “Another set of falsehoods, sweetie! I solely use my credit card to make purchases.”

Then he noticed Amanda by peering over Catherine’s shoulder.

He added, “Actually, you know what, babe,” as the stripper walked away. “Let’s check the cameras, and we’ll know what happened!”

When Adam and Catherine viewed the CCTV and realized Amanda was the one who had guided the stripper to Adam’s workplace, Amanda’s scheme failed. Adam just fired Amanda and urged her to leave his and Catherine’s lives, despite Catherine’s demands that she be placed on a blacklist.

Then she growled, “I won’t!” “You won’t live in peace, Adam!”

Amanda made the decision to attend Adam and Catherine’s wedding as a guest.

“Stop it, Amanda!” Sarah chastised her. Amanda had been too drunk to take care of the twins, so she had moved in with her.

She gulped the drink and angrily exclaimed, “I didn’t ask for your opinion!” “That man can’t leave me like this and move on with a happily ever after!”

“Snap to your senses, Amanda!” Sarah informed her. “You ought to be concerned about your two sons! You have two! The world won’t end because of it! You can locate a more suitable man.”

However, Amanda only listened to herself. After making Sarah leave her alone, Amanda drove to the park that was designated as Adam and Catherine’s wedding location.

Amanda saw a woman sitting on a bench across from the arena and swallowed the tears of rage that were welling up in her eyes. Her three kids were occupied with play.

After ten minutes of leaving her twins with the woman, Amanda stormed into the venue, screaming, “THE GROOM IS THE FATHER OF MY TWINS!”

The guests glanced at Adam, gasping in shock, as Amanda grinned. She was unaware that Adam had told Catherine the truth.

He told her to “stop embarrassing yourself, Amanda,” and Amanda’s fury had no limits. She was so filled with rage that she started to trash the entire place, knocking down tables, kicking chairs, and plucking ornaments, all before the patrol policeman approached her.

He started to lead her outside. However, she was careless for a split second and managed to get her hands on the policeman’s revolver.

She attempted to hit Adam, but failed.

He yelled, holding his damaged arm, “What the hell!”

Amanda went cold. She lost her hold on the gun. She fainted after the policeman shoved her to the ground the following second.


Amanda concluded, “And that’s how I ruined life for all of us.” “I apologize. I hope one day you will pardon me.”

“And I was the woman she had asked to watch you both,” Alice said.

After a little period of silence, Patrick turned to face Amanda. “Perhaps we’ll forgive you eventually. But we’ll help you start over in the meanwhile. You and I both have endured enough suffering together.”