An Alabama mother who was having a tough day was shocked when she looked inside the envelope her son handed to her, which he had received from a stranger.

Melissa Simms of Pell City, Alabama, says she was having the kind of day in which it felt as though nothing could go right. She went to the doctor with her seventh-grade son Trey, who was home sick from school, to follow up on a series of surgeries she had undergone over the last two years.

While at the doctor’s office, Simms realized that she did not have the money to cover her co-pay.

Source: WBRC

Source: WBRC

“Me and my husband woke up and split our last $10 for gas, for him to go to work and for me to make it to my doctor’s appointment,” Simms told WBRC. “All day I was stressed about how am I going to make supper for my kids.”

The son sat in the waiting room while his mother saw her doctor. As he was sitting there, a woman walked up to him and handed him an envelope. She asked him to give the envelope to his mother.

As the mother and son walked to their car following the appointment, Trey handed his mother the envelope. She was shocked when she saw what was inside.

“I’ve had days like you’re having today,” a note inside the envelope read. “Hang in there.”

The envelope also included a $100 bill. At the end of the note, the woman wrote “Joshua 1:9,” a notation for a Bible verse that reads: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Simms was stunned by the stranger’s generosity and immediately broke down in tears when she opened the envelope.

“It is a complete feeling of peace, just like everything is going to be OK,” the mother said.

She added, “If I would have known what it was, I would have told her thank you.”

Thanks to the woman’s generous gift, Simms was able to pay her co-pay at the doctor’s office and buy food to make her family dinner.

Simms shared her story on Facebook in hopes that she may be able to find the kind woman.

“I don’t know what she looks like, I don’t know her name, but I hope I get to meet her to say thank you,” Simms said.

She continued: “It’s the kindest thing that’s ever been done. Truly from the bottom of my heart I thank this woman. I would love to repay it and to pay it forward one day just like she did.”

Readers shared their thoughts on the touching story on Facebook.

“This is what being in this great country is about!” one reader commented. “People that helps people who need a helping hand. Thanks for your generous support for the mother. I’m sure you are truly blessed.”

Source: WBRC

Source: WBRC

“There are kind, compassionate, generous people in this world,” another user wrote. “Melissa just met one.”

Sources: WBRC

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