Sage is an old puppy who has unfortunately lost her sight due to health problems from glaucoma, but the good thing is that she has a loving family who cares for her no matter what.

However, last month Sage went missing for a week, worrying her loved ones.

Beth Cole, Sage’s owner, shared that they all went to bed and in the morning, Sage wasn’t around.

They all started looking for her, asking every family, friend and neighbor to help them look for the blind puppy, but they couldn’t find her. They all feared the worst as mountain cougars were reported in the area.

Despite everything that happened, Sage was still alive and was found and saved by an off-duty firefighter named Dan Strada. He found her in the river and says that “When I saw that she was alive, I jumped into the river and hugged her” Sage returned home safely and we can all say that this is a story with a happy ending!

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